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FPV Remote Controller 3 out of stock everywhere?
1053 13 7-4 03:24
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I'm a happy owner of the Avata 1 and 2 from Germany and started flying in manual mode with the Avata 1 (and some simulators) some months ago. Of course I want to improve my manual skills using the superior image quality of the Avata 2 but I am not able to get my hands on an FPV Remote Controller 3. I know I could use the Goggles 2 and Remote Controller 2 to fly in manual with the Avata 2 but I actually don't need to own both the Avata 1 and 2 and like to sell the previous model including its accessories.

Is there any reason for the FPV Remote Controller 3 being out of stock everywhere (I checked the first few pages of Google shopping results)? Did DJI stop producing the controllers? Is there any re-stocking planned and if yes: is there an approximate date?

I kind of feel so incomplete without the remote controller 3. :-(

7-4 03:24
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 89751 ft
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This is always a problem.... with the fpv controller 2 this was also an issue.

i set my email notification in the DJI shop, and as soon as i got an email, i ordered one.

for the FPV RC 3, i happened to find one slightly used 2nd hand, so i got that one, because the FPV RC 3 was also out of stock when bought my avata 2.

i searched for you in dutch shops, but all out of stock
7-4 03:36
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DJI Natalia

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. Feel free to visit our authorized dealers to inquire about product availability and stock. You can find the details of our authorized dealers by clicking on the link below:

Thank you for your continued support!
7-4 03:52
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Flight distance : 401171 ft

I'm waiting too.
7-4 13:41
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

I will get mine when it comes in the box with the new DJI FPV2.
7-4 14:44
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DJI Natalia

vid3 Posted at 7-4 13:41
I'm waiting too.

Hi there,

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing.

Have you tried at the retail stores nearby you listed on our official website?
Below are the links you can try at :

On the same link provided above you can also click on the "Official Online Stores" tab and try at our "Amazon DJI Official Store" or "eBay DJI Official Store".

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
7-5 00:17
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DJI Natalia

The Saint Posted at 7-4 14:44
I will get mine when it comes in the box with the new DJI FPV2.

Hi there,

DJI has not announced any news about DJI FPV2 release. Stay tune on our official website and DJI forum for any latest update.

If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
7-5 00:22
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First Officer
Flight distance : 15039524 ft
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It´s sold out pretty much everywhere yes..
7-5 22:10
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 27489951 ft
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I bought one on 5 July from the Official DJI Store.  Should arrive on the 10 of July.
7-6 07:48
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There is now single store in Germany with any Batterie or Controller 3 for the Avata 2?!

Why is this so and how long do I have to wait to get my drone flying, this is a strange state releasing a new drone and not able to purchase needed products for it.
7-15 14:24
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roro nguyen


Me too !!! c'est fous comment DJI play by the rule CCP when you buy one of thèse New model you have to buy every things else rc , goggles , batterie, charger,  and some time you have to wait for months to be able to fly your drone ! I hope us,uk,France, Dutch start to building good haut gamme drone and with out being ditating what to buy ! Very disapointed DJI
8-14 21:36
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Flight distance : 29327 ft


The Saint Posted at 7-4 14:44
I will get mine when it comes in the box with the new DJI FPV2.

Not sure if you are joking, but this might actually be their strategy ☹️, force people to buy the controller as bundle with another product…
9-3 06:14
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First Officer
Flight distance : 26104915 ft
United Kingdom

I ordered FVP3 Controller from Dji direct. Paid 27/08/24 .Had it delivered 29/08/24 so can't complain. (Birthday present to self).
9-3 07:42
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The Saint
First Officer
Flight distance : 6260171 ft
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United States

FPVrider Posted at 9-3 06:14
Not sure if you are joking, but this might actually be their strategy ☹️, force people to buy the controller as bundle with another product…

Unfortunately that strategy won't work in America, we are never forced to buy anything since we are free to make our own decisions.  I ended up buying one locally that was an open box returned like new.  Got it for $160 reg $199.
9-3 08:31
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