Wish list for DJI Avata 2
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3352 40 2024-7-10
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I though to give DJI some hints regarding future improvements for Avata 2. I gathered few from forum as well as added some of mine.
I don't expect they will take it into consideration, but who knows...
Yo can select up to 3 of them.
New suggetions are welcomed in comments.
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Swedrone Posted at 7-10 03:56
Show frequency band, channels and signal strength in a nice graph to get an idea how the environment you intend to fly in looks like pre flight.
Option to set low battery RTH threshold. 30% is way to high in many cases for instance when flying  around right in front of you. The abort RTH option scr*ws up your video in most cases.
Option to abort the low battery auto TRH and critical low battery auto land and at least make it hoover.

Agree, make low battery rth level adjustable and also more speed when using motion controller are my 2 wants.
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Another for battery RTH  level to be adjusted to say 10%. As Swedrone says, you wil normally be flying the Avata quite close to yourself, so no need to RTH at anything higher than that. I know you can cancel the RTH at the present percentage but if you are in the middle of some manoeuvres then it does upset the video.
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United States

jezz Posted at 7-10 06:28
Agree, make low battery rth level adjustable and also more speed when using motion controller are my 2 wants.

What is the current default RTH battery level?
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yogi053 Posted at 7-10 06:55
Another for battery RTH  level to be adjusted to say 10%. As Swedrone says, you wil normally be flying the Avata quite close to yourself, so no need to RTH at anything higher than that. I know you can cancel the RTH at the present percentage but if you are in the middle of some manoeuvres then it does upset the video.

You should not discharge the battery lower than 10% it's said but I actually land at my own very free will at 20%, but it´s my decsision at least. When using the charging hub as a power bank the batteries cuts out at 7% though….could be because they are Li-ion
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Swedrone Posted at 7-10 07:24
You should not dran the battery lower then 10% I actually land at my very free will at 20, but it´s m own  decsision at least. When using the carging hub as a power bank the batteries cuts out at 7% though….

I try and land all of my other machines at 25% but seeing as how the Avata 2 has a shorter flight time and so much more fun, (for me at least), then I don't mind flying down to that level then charging them up fully again or to storage level (approx 50%) if I don't intend flying again in the near future.
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Usually once the battery capacity indicator is down to 50% I try to make a straight line home and just fly lower level close proximity using any natural and man made obstacles as "slalom gates".  Try to land with 30% capacity. If having to choose between % capacity or cell voltage. Rather have an OSD reading of the lowest cell voltage. Not sure how these "smart batteries" BMS work.  It seems like it might cut power draw at lower cell voltage to prevent sagging into the "kill the battery" level.  If so, nice feature to reduce users from trashing their battery.  Then no real need for voltage reading.

Digital read out vs. bars of RC signal strength and signal quality would be nice.   Nice as posted above(#2) to have an idea pre and during flight of the strength and trend.  The other 3" drone flown has the option for that OSD data.  Really missed that info when first flying the Avata2. Especially in marginal environments.  Also, as in post #2.  The band and channel. Friend flies a DJI Mini 4 Pro.  We were discussing what we plan to do whenever we ever end up flying together.  Right now set to Auto, but would set to manual channel selection.  We are unsure if our channel 1 and 2 are different.  OSD data with the specific band and channel would make life simpler if flying with other DJI flyers, determine strongest channel if we had real numbers v. bars.

If having to choose just one added feature. The ability to lock the home position to your physical location at initial launch.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2680259 ft

I would like to see the option to scale the display to fill the Goggles 3 screen when shooting video in 4:3. As it is now with the black bars sides cropped in to allow the top and bottom of the sensor view  makes small branches and other obstacles more difficult to see as the view in the goggles is much smaller.  

Also allow personalized expo adjustments on pitch and roll axis of Motion controller 3. Main directional controls, not the joystick.
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DJI Natalia

Hi there,

Thank You for your feedback, we will forward this information to the relevant team for evaluation.
If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Natalia

Swedrone Posted at 7-10 03:56
**** The posts are shielded ****

Hi there,

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing.

Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments.

Thank you for your support and understanding.
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DJI Natalia

jezz Posted at 7-10 06:28
Agree, make low battery rth level adjustable and also more speed when using motion controller are my 2 wants.

Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments.

Thank you for your support and understanding.
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DJI Natalia

yogi053 Posted at 7-10 06:55
Another for battery RTH  level to be adjusted to say 10%. As Swedrone says, you wil normally be flying the Avata quite close to yourself, so no need to RTH at anything higher than that. I know you can cancel the RTH at the present percentage but if you are in the middle of some manoeuvres then it does upset the video.

Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments. Thank you for your support and understanding.  

If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Natalia

designrs Posted at 7-10 07:21
What is the current default RTH battery level?

Hi there,

At the moment there, is no default RTH battery level for DJI Avata 2 but when the battery level is low and only sufficient to fly to the Home Point, a warning prompt will appear in the goggles and RTH will be triggered following the prompt. The aircraft will land automatically if the current battery level can only support the air craft long  enough to descend from its current altitude.

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Natalia

yogi053 Posted at 7-10 07:35
I try and land all of my other machines at 25% but seeing as how the Avata 2 has a shorter flight time and so much more fun, (for me at least), then I don't mind flying down to that level then charging them up fully again or to storage level (approx 50%) if I don't intend flying again in the near future.

Hi there,

We are glad you are having fun flying with DJI Avata 2. We understand the shorter flight time of the DJI Avata 2 can be frustrating. That's why DJI offers the DJI Avata 2 Intelligent Flight Battery (x3) with the DJI Avata 2 Two-Way Charging Hub. This way, your flying fun can continue uninterrupted when a battery runs out.

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Have a safe flight! Thank You!
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United Kingdom

jezz Posted at 7-10 06:28
Agree, make low battery rth level adjustable .......

The amount of battery required to get a drone home varies with
1) the drone's distance from the home point, the greater the distance the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home.
2) The drone's height relative to the take off point, the greater the height the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone down from that height.
3) if applicable, the climb needed to reach the set RTH height, the greater the required climb the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home. Where applicable, excessive RTH height wastes power in both the climb to, and descent from, RTH height.

Similarily, the forced landing threshold varies with the drone's height.

Assuming DJI have set the Avata 2 up in the same way as other DJI drones then the Low Battery RTH threshold is continually recalculated and set so that DJI think the drone will get home with battery to spare. I think this is sensible.

As things currently stand quite a few drones have been lost when users have cancelled the low battery RTH and the drone has subsequently run out of battery before it was home.
Consequently I think it would be unwise for DJI to allow users to adjust the threshold for Low Battery RTH for two reasons,
1) It is likely to end up with more drone's being lost
2) to what would the user set it ? You can not set it to a fixed percentage of the battery's charge since such a fixed percentage is not applicable.
I suppose they could give the user the ability to set it to a fixed percentage of the calculated Low Battery RTH threshold but they would be reducing the safety margin of charge left in the battery when the drone arrives over the home point and having seen quite a few threads I am saddened to say that I would guess that quite a few user would set the percentage so low that the drone ran out of power on the way back.

Add to the above that I am uncertain if wind is included in DJI calculation and  I would suggest that a reasonable safety marging is called for.

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DJI Natalia

MRDroneRookie Posted at 7-10 09:23
I would like to see the option to scale the display to fill the Goggles 3 screen when shooting video in 4:3. As it is now with the black bars sides cropped in to allow the top and bottom of the sensor view  makes small branches and other obstacles more difficult to see as the view in the goggles is much smaller.  

Also allow personalized expo adjustments on pitch and roll axis of Motion controller 3. Main directional controls, not the joystick.

Hi there,

Thank You for your feedback, we will forward this information to the relevant team for evaluation.
If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Natalia

OldGuy2024 Posted at 7-10 07:58
Usually once the battery capacity indicator is down to 50% I try to make a straight line home and just fly lower level close proximity using any natural and man made obstacles as "slalom gates".  Try to land with 30% capacity. If having to choose between % capacity or cell voltage. Rather have an OSD reading of the lowest cell voltage. Not sure how these "smart batteries" BMS work.  It seems like it might cut power draw at lower cell voltage to prevent sagging into the "kill the battery" level.  If so, nice feature to reduce users from trashing their battery.  Then no real need for voltage reading.

Digital read out vs. bars of RC signal strength and signal quality would be nice.   Nice as posted above(#2) to have an idea pre and during flight of the strength and trend.  The other 3" drone flown has the option for that OSD data.  Really missed that info when first flying the Avata2. Especially in marginal environments.  Also, as in post #2.  The band and channel. Friend flies a DJI Mini 4 Pro.  We were discussing what we plan to do whenever we ever end up flying together.  Right now set to Auto, but would set to manual channel selection.  We are unsure if our channel 1 and 2 are different.  OSD data with the specific band and channel would make life simpler if flying with other DJI flyers, determine strongest channel if we had real numbers v. bars.

Hi there,

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments. Thank you for your support and understanding.  

If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Natalia

Swedrone Posted at 7-10 21:06
Show frequency band, channels and signal strength in a nice graph to get an idea how the environment you intend to fly in looks like pre flight.
Option to set low battery RTH threshold. 30% is way to high in many cases for instance when flying  around right in front of you. The abort RTH option scr*ws up your video in most cases.
Option to abort the low battery auto RTH and critical low battery auto land and at least make it hoover. Ability to tweak EXP setting for Normal and Sports mode not just Manual mode when using FPV Remote Controller

Hi there,

We appreciate your valuable feedback! We'll make sure it reaches the right team for careful consideration.  We're always looking for ways to improve our products and services based on what users like you tell us. Have a safe flight, Thank You
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United Kingdom

DJI Natalia Posted at 7-11 00:23
Hi there,

We are glad you are having fun flying with DJI Avata 2. We understand the shorter flight time of the DJI Avata 2 can be frustrating. That's why DJI offers the DJI Avata 2 Intelligent Flight Battery (x3) with the DJI Avata 2 Two-Way Charging Hub. This way, your flying fun can continue uninterrupted when a battery runs out.

Thank you for your reply Natalia. That is exactly why I spent £1,049 on the 3 battery set-up! To have extended fun.
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-11 01:22
The amount of battery required to get a drone home varies with
1) the drone's distance from the home point, the greater the distance the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home.
2) The drone's height relative to the take off point, the greater the height the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone down from that height.

You make very valid points Sean, but surely common sense comes into the equation. I fly my Avata 2 at relatively close range and if I want to fly further out I will use my M2P or Mini 2 but maintain VLOS or try to anyway. I wasnt 'asking for Dji to SET a lower RTH percentage. Only make it adjustable. On YT you can see lots of cases where users fly their drones beyond the machine's capabilities and end up 'dunking' them in the sea/river/lakes and those drones probably ALL have adjustable RTH percentages. If I ignore my M2P telling me to go home at 25%, then that is totally down to me to obey the command or not.
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United Kingdom

yogi053 Posted at 7-11 02:15
You make very valid points Sean, but surely common sense comes into the equation. I fly my Avata 2 at relatively close range and if I want to fly further out I will use my M2P or Mini 2 but maintain VLOS or try to anyway. I wasnt 'asking for Dji to SET a lower RTH percentage. Only make it adjustable. On YT you can see lots of cases where users fly their drones beyond the machine's capabilities and end up 'dunking' them in the sea/river/lakes and those drones probably ALL have adjustable RTH percentages. If I ignore my M2P telling me to go home at 25%, then that is totally down to me to obey the command or not.

All true but the problem is that some people seem to lack common sense or do not give the potental problems any thought and, unfortunately, they are likely to be the ones who attempt to blame DJI for their failures and drone losses. How many of those people would know how to deal with the low battery forced landing phase let alone the critical battery landing phase ?

If DJI gave the option to reduce the threshold they would  be leaving themselves exposed to "you allowed me to reduce the threshold and as a consequence the drone was lost" threads.

Even with the current set up  and when the user has cancelled the original Low Battery RTH, people have complained about drone losses.
I can't remember if the app tells you that the responsibility is then squarely on your shoulders but I am pretty sure it tells you there will be no further automated attempts to RTH made.

Yes, I have cancelled the Low Battery RTH but only when the drone is close, <100ft  away, and already over a safe landing srea, I have even flown it slightly away from the homepoint in related experiments but not far and all over a safe landing area.
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Flight distance : 487408 ft
United States

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-11 01:22
The amount of battery required to get a drone home varies with
1) the drone's distance from the home point, the greater the distance the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home.
2) The drone's height relative to the take off point, the greater the height the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone down from that height.

I doubt many people fly the Avata 2 very far way from their location as that is not its purpose, trying to get the rth cancelled while flying can cause the video to be a bit wanky also. I would actually like the option to turn off lo battery rth, if I lose the drone thats on me. I doubt many folks need a 30%  battery reserve to get back to home point with the Avata 2.
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doesn't matter, ignore this post
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United Kingdom

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-11 04:47
doesn't matter, ignore this post

At a guess Sean, I think you were going to mention the words 'common sense' again.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

yogi053 Posted at 7-11 07:00
At a guess Sean, I think you were going to mention the words 'common sense' again.

Sorry but no lol
It was something else but I then saw it had already been covered.
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Flight distance : 15419022 ft
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Reposting since i get censored a second time now:
Show frequency band, channels and signal strength in a nice graph to get an idea how the environment you intend to fly in looks like pre flight.Option to set low battery RTH threshold. 30% is way to high in many cases for instance when flying  around right in front of you. The abort RTH option scr*ws up your video in most cases.
Option to abort the low battery auto RTH and critical low battery auto land and at least make it hoover.
Ability to tweak EXP setting for Normal and Sports mode not just Manual mode when using FPV Remote Controller
Ability to use Easy Acro when using FPV Remote ControllerAbility to tuse Head Tracking when using FPV Remote Controller
Make it possible to turn off Power Bank functionality in the Charging Hub to be able to use more variants of power banks when charging the Avata batteries. Now only certain powerbanks work while others are being charged by the hub when trying to charge the Avata batteries in the charging hub .
BTW: Thank's a million times for the goggles support for display color restoration in D-logM/HLG mode in the last firmware update!
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Easy Acro 180° turn that flight can quickly continue as operator wish.
Charging HUB only some power banks can handle charging which is super annoying.
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Flight distance : 2547802 ft

MRDroneRookie Posted at 7-10 09:23
I would like to see the option to scale the display to fill the Goggles 3 screen when shooting video in 4:3. As it is now with the black bars sides cropped in to allow the top and bottom of the sensor view  makes small branches and other obstacles more difficult to see as the view in the goggles is much smaller.  

Also allow personalized expo adjustments on pitch and roll axis of Motion controller 3. Main directional controls, not the joystick.

This ! Flying in 16:9 fullscreen while recording in 4:3
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2680259 ft

Iczeman Posted at 7-11 10:53
Easy Acro 180° turn that flight can quickly continue as operator wish.
Charging HUB only some power banks can handle charging which is super annoying.

Yes both of these suggestions should be implemented by DJI.
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Flight distance : 1910125 ft

How about the ability to turn off downward positioning to prevent faulty readings over water?  I can do this with my 8 year-old P4P (& belatedly, the Mavic 3, I believe), but not the Avata, a drone which you're far more likely to want to fly low over water.
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The possibility for letting us store 3 different individual Rate settings, perhaps with a corresponding individual pitch angle, to map them to the C2 switch positions in Manual Mode.

That would be very helpful for adapting to different scenarios during flight (e.g., first fast pursuit and then slow circling around a subject), and it would also be a unique feature of DJI that other FPV drones could not offer, beacuse only DJI drones have variable in-flight-camera-pitch. However, I have no hope for its implementation, as I requested it for the DJI FPV already back in 2021. (https://forum.dji.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=240907)

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Flight distance : 179068 ft

add a dive option in sports/normal mode, in MC or RC!
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Flight distance : 718990 ft

There is no point on having two cameras on goggles 3. PIP is a must for better control so there is no point on having a 3d camera to see the surroundings. Leave just one camera but with better definition.
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Flight distance : 718990 ft

zox1337 Posted at 7-11 11:40
This ! Flying in 16:9 fullscreen while recording in 4:3

++++1 ,this is a must.
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DJI Natalia

FDDX Posted at 7-15 05:38
add a dive option in sports/normal mode, in MC or RC!

Hi there, thank you for sharing us your suggestions.  We will consider this as a suggestion and your valuable feedback will be promptly forwarded to the relevant team for a thorough evaluation. We would like to assure you that we are committed to providing the best user experience.

Keep us posted. Thank you!
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DJI Natalia

sysprep Posted at 7-15 06:34
There is no point on having two cameras on goggles 3. PIP is a must for better control so there is no point on having a 3d camera to see the surroundings. Leave just one camera but with better definition.

Hi there, thank you for sharing us your feedback and we truly understand your concern. Your feedback is highly valued and will be promptly evaluated by the appropriate team. We are dedicated to providing an exceptional user experience.

Keep us posted always. Thank you for your continued support.
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Flight distance : 207707 ft
United States

I would like to have a zoom feature!!    I need to zoom in on some sights!
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DJI Gamora

PK123 Posted at 8-15 21:41
I would like to have a zoom feature!!    I need to zoom in on some sights!

Hi there,

DJI Avata 2 designed as an FPV (First-Person View) drone with a wide-angle camera for immersive flight experiences.

Thank you for your recommendations. Please rest assured that we will forward your feedback to the related department for evaluation. In the future, we will optimize and improve the product or service based on user comments.

Thank you for your support and understanding.
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