 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
United Kingdom
The amount of battery required to get a drone home varies with
1) the drone's distance from the home point, the greater the distance the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home.
2) The drone's height relative to the take off point, the greater the height the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone down from that height.
3) if applicable, the climb needed to reach the set RTH height, the greater the required climb the greater the amount of battery required to get the drone home. Where applicable, excessive RTH height wastes power in both the climb to, and descent from, RTH height.
Similarily, the forced landing threshold varies with the drone's height.
Assuming DJI have set the Avata 2 up in the same way as other DJI drones then the Low Battery RTH threshold is continually recalculated and set so that DJI think the drone will get home with battery to spare. I think this is sensible.
As things currently stand quite a few drones have been lost when users have cancelled the low battery RTH and the drone has subsequently run out of battery before it was home.
Consequently I think it would be unwise for DJI to allow users to adjust the threshold for Low Battery RTH for two reasons,
1) It is likely to end up with more drone's being lost
2) to what would the user set it ? You can not set it to a fixed percentage of the battery's charge since such a fixed percentage is not applicable.
I suppose they could give the user the ability to set it to a fixed percentage of the calculated Low Battery RTH threshold but they would be reducing the safety margin of charge left in the battery when the drone arrives over the home point and having seen quite a few threads I am saddened to say that I would guess that quite a few user would set the percentage so low that the drone ran out of power on the way back.
Add to the above that I am uncertain if wind is included in DJI calculation and I would suggest that a reasonable safety marging is called for.