Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft
DJI Susan Posted at 7-10 23:48
Hello.You can refer to the following suggestions:
1. Confirm the storage location. Aircraft with internal storage can also install SD cards, so you need to confirm whether the storage location set by you is consistent with the location where you view the files. For example, if you set the storage location to internal storage and shoot a video, if you check the SD card, the video will not be found;
2. Aircraft without internal storage needs to be used with an SD card. If the SD card read and write speed is too low, it may cause video loss. It is recommended that you use an SD card from the recommended list on the DJI official website;
Hello.You can refer to the following suggestions:
1. Confirm the storage location. Aircraft with internal storage can also install SD cards, so you need to confirm whether the storage location set by you is consistent with the location where you view the files. For example, if you set the storage to internal storage and shoot a video, if you check the SD card, the video will not be found;
The SD card storage was used, only 1/2 full. They are 32GB SANDISK Exrreme Pro, used for many many flights before. The internal storage was formated and fully available. Yes I can confirm that I look for the files from the correct storage, as I am VERY experienced with M4P for many many months and flights, plus seven years of Mavic Pro (s).
2. Aircraft without internal storage needs to be used with an SD card. If the SD card read and write speed is too low, it may cause video loss. It is recommended that you use an SD card from the recommended list on the DJI official website;
YES, I fully understand that. I think the most cruicial thing was, there were no Flt records on the RC2, I can see the early ones, so I don't think I looked at the wrong folder on the RC2. That has nothing to do with the aircraft SD card, if I am not wrong.
BTW... The SAME thing happened to a flight on another M4P today, with a different RC2 unit and different everything. Same type of SD card used, but different card for each drone. butThe first flight on this was good. Then the next one two hours or so later, turned out to be a NON-EVENT. I stragithtawayi did another flight after changing the battery, and it turned out to be good. So the problem is random. The battery were fully charged for all flights.
Both drones had been updated in the last week or so, and they were brand new only a few weeks ago, shipped from DJI USA service department.
The issue only happened since the last uipdate, RC2 as well as drone firmware.
Also, there appears to be another problem happening, after turning on the RC2, the screen turns black after "GO FLY", however, when I push the sticks to start the flght, the drone propeller would be turning. The screen turns back on after I pushed the power button on the RC a couple time, then it appears with all aricraft's camera view and the other data fields. Then I can fly. It seems happened twice on the same RC2, I'll report more later if that happened again.