Flight distance : 203802 ft
After the last update, I got a problem when looking at the drives on my drone. When I connect the drone to my computer, two drives comes up as E:\ and F:\ (I have a SD card in). I solved the problem and want to share it if anyone else encounter this problem.
I was able to read the F-drive (the SD Card, but when trying to look at the E-drive (internal disk), I was getting these messages (translated from Norwegian, so the wording might be a little different than described:
You have to format the disk in station E: before you can use it.
E:\ is not available
The volume does not of a known file system.
Check that all the neccesary file system drivers are downloaded and that the volue is not damaged.
To correct this, I open the CMD command as administrator and ran CHKDSK E: /f. This solved the problem.