Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
United Kingdom
kneecola Posted at 7-15 04:46
Well of course it's in the manual, but who reads manuals when there are official DJI YouTube tutorials ...
Anyways it would be nicer if absolute drone altitude was recorded (above sea level).
, "but who reads manuals when there are official DJI YouTube tutorials ..."
Those with some common sense !
"Anyways it would be nicer if absolute drone altitude was recorded (above sea level)."
and of what use would that be ?
Who carries AMSL heights in their mind, drone pilots are relative ground huggers, how would Joe Bloggs plan a flight based on AMSL most of the time he wont know his own AMSL.
How would you actually implement it in a drone?
Consumer level GPS is not accurate in terms of height so you can not use GPS to calculate AMSL.
Just look at the AMSL heights in the exif data of photos takens by drones, the last time I looked I think it was 70m+ out and I was at sea level, literally.
You are left with a GPS location that represents a column of air above a point on the earth's surface.
The drone would have to carry a database of surface elevation vs location and that database would cost money. To calculate an airborne AMSL the drone would then have to compare the ground elevation below the drone against the ground elevation at the take off point and then add the drone's height above the take off point as measured by barometer.
DJI drones might estimate AMSL from air pressure, they do apparently warn you if they think you are near their maximum altiudes e.g. way up there in the Andes or Himalaya etc. but it's nowhere near accurate enough to rely on for ground clearances.