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Used-drone Transaction: Is it actually safe?
329 2 7-22 00:50
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Flight distance : 1154255 ft
South Korea

Well, there are lots of scams while doing this trade, but when it comes to comes to drone, I have a big concern.....
As we know, we can get services from DJI if we know the serial number of drone... so during the transaction, buyers might take photos of serial number(which is kinda noticeable scam)
However, if sellers sell their drone, get an exchange service(telling that it was stolen, etc), the drone will turn into BRICK with PROPS...This is the only reason why I don't buy used drones, Does someone have any ideas to prevent it?

7-22 00:50
Use props
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1722 ft
  • >>>
United States

I've bought two used drones.  Both purchases were made in person following a demo flight by the pilot who owned it.  Then I observed him unbind the drone from his account.  I never had any issue with either of those drones but again the purchase was made in person from the actual owner.  
7-22 12:21
Use props
DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

We recommend that you purchase DJI products from an official or authorized channel to ensure that you are supported by warranty services and guaranteed product performance. You can visit our store website directly at Additionally, you can click the link to locate our official online stores, retail stores where you can make a purchase.

Should you have other inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach us. Thank you.
7-28 00:02
Use props
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