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Is it possible to disable motors on M350 RTK
230 10 7-29 02:20
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

We have an M350 RTK, and are developing a custom payload for it.
This will involve custom hardware going on the E-port or Sky-port.

We have 3 trained drone pilots, but the ones doing the development wont be pilots.
A safety question has been raised about the blades while this is sitting on the bench for development work, that being what if the motors start up unexpectedly.
It will need power to test the payload, and everything on, including the controller as data will be displayed on the screen.
Is it possible to send a comand to disable the motors while the M350 is powered and on the bench.

Part of the work will involve remote or pilotless flying, so there will be commands in the development to fly around.
We just dont want someone touching the controller the wrong way, or the wrong command sent and it tries to take off in a confined area with people around.

7-29 02:20
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

Rule number one, always remove the propellers when working on the drone in the workshop.
7-29 02:49
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

We were told the blades have loctite on the screws, so didn't really want to go messing around with them on a regular basis as they are a key safety point when flying.
7-29 03:43
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

david_M350 Posted at 7-29 03:43
We were told the blades have loctite on the screws, so didn't really want to go messing around with them on a regular basis as they are a key safety point when flying.

Amazon -> Loctite 222
7-29 05:48
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

Yes, I know what loctite is, we use it often and have bottles in the cupboard here.
I really dont want to take the blades off as they might be off and on frequently, and I know one of the screw heads will get chewed then we are stuck.
7-29 06:05
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

david_M350 Posted at 7-29 06:05
Yes, I know what loctite is, we use it often and have bottles in the cupboard here.
I really dont want to take the blades off as they might be off and on frequently, and I know one of the screw heads will get chewed then we are stuck.

Well, there is a function named "KeyLockMotors"
If you decide to leave propelers on, use at your own risk.
7-29 08:05
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2660509 ft

There is the battery lock and RTK "tricks" : NEVER turn on/engage the battery lock and the motor won't start, also when inside turn ON RTK and the motor won't turn on.

BUT as mentioned above remove the propellers, even when they don't spin they are sharp...
7-29 23:21
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

What worries me most about removing them is that someone else may not fit them on properly, and once loctite has set then it may not be obvious the screws weren't fully tightened.
And it's an expensive piece of kit to have plummet to the ground, plus people get hurt then moan about that too.
8-1 05:33
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Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

Thanks, both methods work to disable the motors.
I'm not sure how much of the rest of the drone is disabled if it cant fly (E-port / Skyport), but it's a start without the need to strip them off every time it comes back to the bench.

Even idling, it's surprising how invisible the blades are.

8-2 02:55
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2660509 ft

david_M350 Posted at 8-2 02:55
Thanks, both methods work to disable the motors.
I'm not sure how much of the rest of the drone is disabled if it cant fly (E-port / Skyport), but it's a start without the need to strip them off every time it comes back to the bench.

Also if you plug a USB cable into the monitoring/update port ( left side USB C ) it won't allow to start the engine.
8-5 23:30
Use props
Flight distance : 85 ft
United Kingdom

AR_AirPrecision Posted at 8-5 23:30
Also if you plug a USB cable into the monitoring/update port ( left side USB C ) it won't allow to start the engine.

Thanks, every little helps
8-26 06:43
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