Avata 1 Death Roll/ YAW BUG
1881 21 2024-7-29
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

Hello my drone while flying with GPS with a good signal (which shouldn't affect manual mode anyway) and while making a YAW turn turns around and shuts down before it even touches the ground, I send the video and the drone to service and they tell me that my drone crashed into an object at a height of 3.4 metres and that the GPS was poor. They basically make fun of me because I have the video and they deny it.
Their words ‘1. The aircraft worked under weak GPS mode after taking off,The aircraft GPS signal bar 0 2. Flight Time T=259.0s, Relative Height H=3.4m, The GPS signal was weak,affected
its positioning accuracy, crashed with obstacles Flight Conclusion: The incident was caused by non-manufacturing factors. Therefore, it is concluded to customer responsibility.

Best of all, there is video proof that they have the courage to deny themselves.

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Flight distance : 835725 ft
United Kingdom

Hi, better to post flightlog from the flight.

Easier to diagnose a possible problem from the log.

You will get information as to where to find your flightlog in the link below.


Then share the link to the uploaded log here on the Forum.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

To get the logs on to a phone you need to connect the goggles to that phone and the phone must have the fly app on it. When making this connection I suggest you switch the phone's WiFi OFF.
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

here's the log as you can see I didn't have a low GPS connection as they say, as you can also see from the video I didn't bump into any object that could have made me fall.
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Flight distance : 835725 ft
United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-29 11:50
here's the log as you can see I didn't have a low GPS connection as they say, as you can also see from the video I didn't bump into any object that could have made me fall.

No log showing in your post.
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

I think I fixed it?
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Flight distance : 835725 ft
United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-29 11:50
here's the log as you can see I didn't have a low GPS connection as they say, as you can also see from the video I didn't bump into any object that could have made me fall.

OK, see it now.
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Flight distance : 835725 ft
United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-29 11:50
here's the log as you can see I didn't have a low GPS connection as they say, as you can also see from the video I didn't bump into any object that could have made me fall.

After looking at your log, I think you should go back to DJI and ask them to review your incident.

GPS was good. No sign off impact with object. Some of their details of the incident not correct according to the log.

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Flight distance : 292093 ft

I have already asked for a recheck, I hope it goes well.... as far as I see in the forums very often DJI technicians make wrong assessments of telemetry and damage, it often happens that they ‘ by mistake ’ blame their own customers.
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Flight distance : 835725 ft
United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-29 13:00
I have already asked for a recheck, I hope it goes well.... as far as I see in the forums very often DJI technicians make wrong assessments of telemetry and damage, it often happens that they ‘ by mistake ’ blame their own customers.

Good luck

Hope they resolve it in your favor  
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DJI Natalia

Hi there, thank you for reaching out and we're sorry to hear about your drone. May I confirm if there's any external damage to your drone? Also, it would be best if you can provide us the flight log for us to forward it to our engineering team and check further on this.

Looking forward to your response. Thank you for your understanding.
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

After the crash, my drone had a part of the propeller guard broken off, and the top part all scratched up and other scratches.
the link to the flight log can be found in the messages above
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-30 10:37
After the crash, my drone had a part of the propeller guard broken off, and the top part all scratched up and other scratches.
the link to the flight log can be found in the messages above

On the phone to which you down loaded the logs, have a look for a folder named MCDatFlightRecord.
In that folder have a look for a file whose name contains "FLY" and "063", those might possibly appear as "FLY063".
The date/time stamp might be similar to 2024-07-07_[19-19-38] but with out the - _ [ ].
If you find the file upload it to a file hosting website, make the page public and post its URL here.
Some of these Avata DATs are readable and give motor rpms.

If that folder is empty or does not exist, switch the phone's wifi off and leave if off during this procedure.
Connect the phone to a computer and MOVE all the .txt flight logs from the phone to the computer.
Once the FlightRecord folder on the phone contains NO .txt flight logs then reconnect the phone to the goggles and re-download the flight logs from the goggles to the phone.
Then check the MCDatFlightRecord folder again ..... blah blah blah.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-30 10:37
After the crash, my drone had a part of the propeller guard broken off, and the top part all scratched up and other scratches.
the link to the flight log can be found in the messages above

What type of controller were you using ? Motion controller or one with two joysticks ?
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DJI Natalia

Marav Posted at 7-30 10:37
After the crash, my drone had a part of the propeller guard broken off, and the top part all scratched up and other scratches.
the link to the flight log can be found in the messages above

Hi there, thank you for the above response and we are sorry to hear about what happened with the drone. In a situation like this, the best course of action would be to submit an online repair request here : [https://www.dji.com/es/support/repair]. This will allow our certified technicians to fully inspect the aircraft. Please rest assured that this will be taken care of and handled accordingly.

If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team. We are always happy to help you!
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

I have already opened a repair request, as you can read the response of the technicians was "that the GPS signal was low and that the fall was caused by accident against an obstacle" which is not true from as you can see from the video and log. "
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-30 19:37
On the phone to which you down loaded the logs, have a look for a folder named MCDatFlightRecord.
In that folder have a look for a file whose name contains "FLY" and "063", those might possibly appear as "FLY063".
The date/time stamp might be similar to 2024-07-07_[19-19-38] but with out the - _ [ ].
Hi I found a file called FLY063 but it doesn't have the same timestamp as the video of the fall.
The video of the fall is called DJI_0040 and I found a file called FLY040 but it too does not have the timestamp of the day of the fall.
May I ask why exactly ‘063’?
Remote Controller 2 (two joystick)
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 7-31 06:40
Hi I found a file called FLY063 but it doesn't have the same timestamp as the video of the fall.
The video of the fall is called DJI_0040 and I found a file called FLY040 but it too does not have the timestamp of the day of the fall.
May I ask why exactly ‘063’?

Could you upload both of those to a file hosting website, make their page/s public and either post their URL/s here or PM it/them to me please ?
I suspect it is the former and that DJI_0040 merely refers to the number of the video/photo but it wont hurt to see if FLY040 is readable.
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 7-31 09:10
Could you upload both of those to a file hosting website, make their page/s public and either post their URL/s here or PM it/them to me please ?
I suspect it is the former and that DJI_0040 merely refers to the number of the video/photo but it wont hurt to see if FLY040 is readable.

both file
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

I see I have made a mistake.
I downloaded a fresh set of logs from my FPV goggle and, what the PH csv coinsiders to be the DAT number, is the middle group. So the crash DAT, if it exists, would have a name something like

That said, did you add the .enc bit in those file names ? I doubt it but .....

Unfortunately CsvView can not read either of your DATs BUT as a consequence of your post I have just checked the above logs.
I downloaded the logs, from my FPV goggles to three phones. each phone was running a different versions of the fly app, those version are
The DATs shown in 1.12.8 have the .enc extension and CsvView CAN NOT read them.
BUT CsvView CAN READ the DATs from 1.3.0 & 1.4.4 and those DATs DO NOT have the .enc extension.

If you want to see/check the motor RPMs, below is a scary rpm snippet from my FPV logs, it might be worth your trying the following which assumes you have an android phone or access to one.
1) MOVE all the fly app logs from the phone to computer.
2) Either uninstall the existing, at a guess, recent FLY app version and install an older version of the fly app on the phone or install an older version of the fly app on another phone.
Older versions of the app are available from
perhaps start at 1.3.0

3) Once it is installed AND BOOTED switch the phone's WiFi OFF.
4) Try 1.3.0 and see what it downloads from the goggles. If 1.3.0 won't work with your goggles then try a later/younger version of the app.
If you succeed in getting DATs without the .enc extension try CsvView
and see if it can process the DATs or upload them to another page on SwissTransfer.

FPV DAT snippet rpm 24611.png
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Flight distance : 292093 ft

These days I will look for an Android to do this procedure. But I already know it won't be easy, I shared everything they wanted but I see how nitpicky DJI are. The flight log I shared they say is unusable because it is "overwritten". It just seems to me that they are trying to splitting hairs.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Marav Posted at 8-3 07:57
These days I will look for an Android to do this procedure. But I already know it won't be easy, I shared everything they wanted but I see how nitpicky DJI are. The flight log I shared they say is unusable because it is "overwritten". It just seems to me that they are trying to splitting hairs.

What type of controller were you using ? Motion controller or one with two joysticks ?

Getting the logs onto an Andoid phone should be no more difficult than getting them onto an iPhone,
I assume that you are currently using an iPhone,
Something like a samsung S6 should do and be quite cheap.

If you are using a windows computer then getting the logs off an Android phone seems quite simple. Getting them onto a Mac might involve using one of the android-to-mac transfer bits of software.
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