Flight distance : 853780 ft
Hey people, so I could recommend Hollyland LARK M2 wireless mic set for usage with Pocket 3.
It sounds way clearer, whereas for DJI MIC2 it kinda muffled. TBH MIC2 sounds okeish as well in many scenarios and most probably will be the choice of many, as it comes with the kit and doesn't need external receiver.
Lark's USB-c receiver connects to USB-c port either directly on camera pointing downwards, or to the battery grip, or to the small extension which comes with Pocket 3 kit. (you could use both camera type receiver with manual gain controls and usb-c mobile receiver - both works via usb-c)
Lark's NC has 2 levels and is amazing, wheres for DJI MIC2 noise cancellation works as well, but it is terribly unnatural in quality (like early noise cancellation attempts where you have robotic voice).
When using Lark, you obviously don't have audio backup anywhere, only what's recorded in the video as it doesn't have internal storage.
You could change gain with Lark in camera settings as well. Noise cancellation could be easily enabled with one press of a button on a receiver while recording, so you don't need to fight with finding the button on the tiny transmitter every time, especially with wind cover on.
Downside of the mobile usb-c receiver in order to change settings you need to connect it to the mobile phone and then use LArksound app to change settings (gain, NC level), which then saved to the transmitter(s). - but realistically how many times you need to do that?
Hope that helps someone to make a correct choice.