I’ve been flying the I1 over thepast 6 months with no problems at all; it’s been rock solid until the 1.3update. Has 1.4 fixed these before I upgrade. 1. Right away once at about 6 feet in the air and pushing the leftstick forward the bird goes sideways to the right. After stopping, then goingforward again the bird stays on track in a straight line. While going straight aheadas I bank left slowly then stick straight forward the bird goes on a right sidemove, not straight. 2. When raising landing gear while hovering about 5 feet the birdclimbs another 4 feet. When lowering gear while at a 6 to 15 foot hover thebird loses about 5 foot in altitude.
3. Whenever I’m flying forward atabout 20+ knots then slow down to a complete stop, the bird loses about 5+ feetin altitude. 4. Several time’s during flights I’mlosing connection to the bird, flight controls still active. I’m guessing thisis the DJI GO app problem. Anyone!!