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M4P "No GNSS" warning
2916 5 2024-8-4
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Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft

Everytime when started up my M4P, it given a "NO GNSS" warning.

WHY, we don't have GNSS in Australia, and Ii had never set to use GNSS.  The drone flies ok otherwise.

How do I stop this annoying message.  My other M4P has not such problem.
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Serg SSA
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 14496650 ft
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Everytime when started up my M4P, it given a "NO GNSS" warning.

This means that the drone does not receive a navigation signal, by default it is GPS, it is available all over the world and in Australia too)
It will not be there if you launch the drone indoors.
If outside, then you need to wait before takeoff until the drone receives a signal from a sufficient number of satellites and tells you that the home point is recorded.
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Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft

Thanik you.  But i think I know these very basic things, I have been flying drones for over 7 years!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 M4Ps, only one consistently exhibit this problem.

Thanks for your answer anyway.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Fred F Posted at 8-5 17:32
Thanik you.  But i think I know these very basic things, I have been flying drones for over 7 years!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 M4Ps, only one consistently exhibit this problem.

Thanik you.  But i think I know these very basic things, I have been flying drones for over 7 years!!!!!!!!!!
But you still write:
WHY, we don't have GNSS in Australia, and I had never set to use GNSS.
So you haven't learnt much in those 7 years.

FYI .. GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System
It's what most people mean when they say GPS
GPS (in the true sense) is just a part of GNSS which also includes other satellite navigation systems.
And we do have GNSS in Australia, just like the rest of the world does.
You never had to set anytjhing to GNSS, because you don't have to.
Your drone will automatically receive signals from whatever systems it can.
Your Mini 4 pro receives signals from three different satellite GNSS systems:   GPS + Galileo + BeiDou.
I have 2 M4Ps, only one consistently exhibit this problem.
So what exactly is the problem.
You haven't given enough information to help you.

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Everytime when started up my M4P, it given a "NO GNSS" warning.
The warning is indicating that the drone isn't receiving any satellite signal.
Is that true?
What do you see when you look at the satellite icon up top of screen?
What colour is it?
What number is next to it?
Where are you when you see the warning?
Does it go away after a while?
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Fred F
Flight distance : 4676457 ft

It is the term GNSS confuses me, because I always use the term GPS.   I got confused GNSS with the Russian System. Likewise, all m other drones including one of the M4P uses the term GPS or it is the RC2 controller.

Yes, the drone always flys well, when I waited a few more seconds. I never thought it was a serious problem, just wonder why GNSS comes on this particular controller.  It has been kept updated.

Anyhow, it is not a setting issue.
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