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Aircraft indicator lights.
637 23 2024-8-5
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United States

I think it would be a good idea to have the front indicator lights follow the international navigation scheme.  While flying, the starboard or right side should be green and the port or left side should be red. This would be a great idea on all models.
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DJI Gamora

Hi there,

Thank You for your feedback, we will forward this information to the relevant team for evaluation.
If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

I have several theories of why DJI doesn't turn on the lights of our drones when recording and why it doesn't answer these kinds of questions (or answers with generalities like "I'll send your question to the technical team)

1.- The Mini is not the most stable drone via GPS and needs visual aid for stability... That's why they restrict us from recording at night

2.- Maybe, keeping the lights on when recording would reduce the flight time offered, due to a higher battery consumption, and that would go against the marketing policy.

The only thing that is clear to me is that DJI turns off the lights when recording for a reason that has nothing to do with our need and everything to do with theirs.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Gino Saurre Posted at 8-12 03:59
I have several theories of why DJI doesn't turn on the lights of our drones when recording and why it doesn't answer these kinds of questions (or answers with generalities like "I'll send your question to the technical team)

1.- The Mini is not the most stable drone via GPS and needs visual aid for stability... That's why they restrict us from recording at night

"The Mini is not the most stable drone via GPS and needs visual aid for stability... That's why they restrict us from recording at night."
How do they restrict you from flying at night ?
I would guess that most people fly above the range of the downwards looking sensors and, in those circumstances, day or night, the drone is reliant on GPS for position holding. As such if it were unstable at night it would also be unstable during the day.

"Maybe, keeping the lights on when recording would reduce the flight time offered, due to a higher battery consumption, and that would go against the marketing policy."

I would be surprised in the LEDs draw significant power ... y-flight-time.9428/

To be honest I suspect that there is a much simpler reason, to keep their light from affecting imagery recorded.
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

How do they restrict you from flying at night ?

At no point have I said that we are restricted from "flying" at night. What DJI does restrict is RECORDING at night in accordance with the regulation that requires UAS to have a visible light at night.

To be honest I suspect that there is a much simpler reason, to keep their light from affecting imagery recorded.

If you really believe that, you are wrong and you have never even owned a Spark... In any case, the user should decide whether to turn the lights on or off while recording... there is no need for DJI to take away that freedom from us.

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Flight distance : 249793 ft
United States

I’ve flown my M4P during late twilight time and never have the rear lights or even the bottom light to be visible beyond 1,500 ft. at 200 ft AGL.  FAA reg requires 3 statute miles visibility from twilight till dark. Adding lights to the M4P would exceed the 249 gr. limit. I fly my Autel with Lighthouse strobes at twilight and have not had the lights interfere with the video unless I'm close to an obstacle like a tree or building at 25 ft or less.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Gino Saurre Posted at 8-12 05:46
How do they restrict you from flying at night ?

At no point have I said that we are restricted from "flying" at night. What DJI does restrict is RECORDING at night in accordance with the regulation that requires UAS to have a visible light at night.

"At no point have I said that we are restricted from "flying" at night. What DJI does restrict is RECORDING at night "   
my mistake, sorry.

"If you really believe that, you are wrong"
I suspect not.
"and you have never even owned a Spark..."
True but I do own several Phantom 3 series drones and several Mavic 2 series drones and, whilst I remember having the option to switch the front LEDs on/off in both the Go and Go4 apps, I do not remember if they offered the option to switch the LEDs ON whilst the camera was recording video or taking a picture.
BUT I DO remember that what was seen on the Phantom 3 series' Go screen was plastered with red light when the front LEDs were switched on.
Having just tested it, in daylight, with a Mavic 2 Pro, a red tinge can be seen in the Go4 screen when the front LEDs are ON. That tinge disappears as soon as the camera starts recording video or taking pictures and the LEDs are automatically switched off.
Since the Spark is a Go4 using drone I would be a bit surprised if it differs from the Mavic 2 drone but if you can show/tell me where in Go4 I can find the switch to switch the front LEDs on whilst recording video please do so, I would be happy to test it.

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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft


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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 8-12 09:24
"At no point have I said that we are restricted from "flying" at night. What DJI does restrict is RECORDING at night "   
my mistake, sorry.

I hope you don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, but I don't understand the point of your intervention. Do you want to discredit what I'm saying?... Do you think it's wrong to ask DJI to allow the user to decide whether to turn on the drone's lights while recording or not?... If that's your position, great, but there are many people who are not happy about not being able to record according to the regulations at night and that creates a disadvantage.

But also, you are misinformed and therefore, you are misinforming, because the Spark keeps the lights on during recording and that does not generate any problem for the recorded video.

In any case, you are distorting (I hope unintentionally) the initial idea of ​​the post, taking the subject to discuss things that are not the spirit of the initial publication.

I still think that, much to your regret (apparently), DJI should leave the freedom to turn on or off the lights to the owner of the drone to comply with European regulations... Adults do not need someone to make decisions for them.
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Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Deleted because of wrong layout
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Gino Saurre Posted at 8-13 03:12
I hope you don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, but I don't understand the point of your intervention. Do you want to discredit what I'm saying?... Do you think it's wrong to ask DJI to allow the user to decide whether to turn on the drone's lights while recording or not?... If that's your position, great, but there are many people who are not happy about not being able to record according to the regulations at night and that creates a disadvantage.

But also, you are misinformed and therefore, you are misinforming, because the Spark keeps the lights on during recording and that does not generate any problem for the recorded video.

2.- Maybe, keeping the lights on when recording would reduce the flight time offered, due to a higher battery consumption, and that would go against the marketing policy."

With regards to theory 2) the arm LEDs are not high power LEDS, their current draw will be minimal/insignificant in comparison to that drawn by the rest of the drone. I would guess that, at best, switching them off for the duration of the ENTIRE flight might add a few seconds to the possible flight time

Regarding theory 1) The Mini 3 flies and records video at night perfecly well, as shown by
https ://
https ://
if it works remove the gap in each URl.

you imply that the arm LEDs aid the drone's vision systems at night. The visible light VPS sensors look downwards and the arm LEDs offer them no aid, besides I would bet that most night flights are made above the range of the VPS system.

"Do you think it's wrong to ask DJI to allow the user to decide whether to turn on the drone's lights while recording or not?"
No I do not, I have no opinion either way.
I am merely pointing out what I believe to be the real reason for the LEDs being switched off i.e. to prevent possible colour taint in the captured images..

"But also, you are misinformed and therefore, you are misinforming,"
Wrong, I said that since my Mavic 2 drones switch the front arm LEDs when the camera is shooting imagery I would be surprised if another Go4 App using drone did otherwise and I asked you where I might find the option, in the Go4 menus, to keep the LEDs switched on, can you provide that ?

However I have just found the relevant LED option in the camera menus, I stand corrected in that respect. The option that I had previously found, which is a simple on/off switch, is in the "Advanced settings" menu of the "MC Settings" menu of Go4.
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 8-13 07:26
2.- Maybe, keeping the lights on when recording would reduce the flight time offered, due to a higher battery consumption, and that would go against the marketing policy."

With regards to theory 2) the arm LEDs are not high power LEDS, their current draw will be minimal/insignificant in comparison to that drawn by the rest of the drone. I would guess that, at best, switching them off for the duration of the ENTIRE flight might add a few seconds to the possible flight time

Now I understand, your role is to "dirty up" some post asking DJI to enable a feature that should be the under the control of the drone owner.

Nothing you say answers the question of why DJI has taken the liberty of turning off the drone's lights at the time of recording, thus making it impossible to record in accordance with European regulations, thus unilaterally preventing users from using their device freely at night.

The only thing that is certain is that, if we pay several hundred dollars for a drone, we should be able to use it freely and in accordance with regulations, both day and night... or in any case, DJI should CLEARLY indicate that the drone we are buying, will turn off the lights at the time of recording and this will make night recording against the law in Europe and some other countries.

I repeat: DJI unilaterally turning off the lights on our drone when recording, has nothing to do with any user need and everything to do with DJI's needs.

All users should demand that the company enable this feature.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
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United Kingdom

Gino Saurre Posted at 8-13 07:56
Now I understand, your role is to "dirty up" some post asking DJI to enable a feature that should be the under the control of the drone owner.

Nothing you say answers the question of why DJI has taken the liberty of turning off the drone's lights at the time of recording, thus making it impossible to record in accordance with European regulations, thus unilaterally preventing users from using their device freely at night.

Whatever tickles your fancy, enjoy your misconceptions.
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

Sean-bumble-bee Posted at 8-13 08:32
Whatever tickles your fancy, enjoy your misconceptions.

Yeah sure...

However, the question will always be, why does DJI not allow users to record at night in accordance with European regulations?... It would be as simple as keeping the status lights "ON" while recording.

It is a simple question, but DJI only answers that it will pass it on to its technical team.

Meanwhile, it continues to sell a drone without telling consumers in Europe and other countries that they CANNOT LEGALLY RECORD at night and risk fines of up to 3000 euros if they use their Mini in this way.
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

Please feel free to vote in this poll
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United States

Gino Saurre Posted at 8-13 03:12
I hope you don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, but I don't understand the point of your intervention. Do you want to discredit what I'm saying?... Do you think it's wrong to ask DJI to allow the user to decide whether to turn on the drone's lights while recording or not?... If that's your position, great, but there are many people who are not happy about not being able to record according to the regulations at night and that creates a disadvantage.

But also, you are misinformed and therefore, you are misinforming, because the Spark keeps the lights on during recording and that does not generate any problem for the recorded video.

Wow! don't get so upset about my comment. Take a chill pill..

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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

It is important to have the drone lights "on" when recording at night, because recording without them, apart from being unsafe, in many places around the world, including the EU, makes the flight illegal and can expose you to having your drone confiscated, a very high fine and even prison.

Also, in the event of an accident, the Insurance policy will not cover you because you are flying under illegal conditions. (adding a third-party light is ilegal too)

Don't let the trolls, that you find in every post, scare you... You should not be afraid to ask for what you consider fair and if you need it, let me know so I can send you one of those pills of you.
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Flight distance : 73963 ft
United States

Is that true?  Is it illegal to record at night in the U.S. as well?   I haven't done any night flying since I can rarely keep the thing in view in daylight, but just curious.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1445581 ft
United States

This thread originally started on a different topic, with the OP simply suggesting for the front lights of the AC to conform to international navigation standard. Then it took a turn and it became about night flying, with the argument that - since the Mini turns off the front lights when recording, and since you're required to have lights on the AC to fly at night - DJI is basically making it illegal for Mini owners. It's an argument that has some merit, although I believe the actual requirement for night flying (at least in US) is to have anti-collision lights that must be visible from 3 miles away, and I doubt the small LEDs on the front arms of the Mini would qualify. You can add a strobe light (easily available, and cheap) on top of the AC, but that would push the weight over 250g, which means FAA registration and Remote ID (don't quote me on this as the requirements keep changing and I'm not up to speed with the latest).
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Gino Saurre
Flight distance : 11906 ft

You have made an excellent summary of the point. It would only be necessary to add that in Europe, there is no reference to the power of the mandatory lights, it is only mentioned that the drone must have a light "on" during night flights. And that was my request (I live in Italy but I record in many places in the EU) since, with a simple software option, DJI could make night recording completely legal. In addition to the point of insurance, which requires that the flights comply with current regulations in order to be able to provide coverage.

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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

LawrenceF Posted at 8-29 05:18
Is that true?  Is it illegal to record at night in the U.S. as well?   I haven't done any night flying since I can rarely keep the thing in view in daylight, but just curious.


The wording of a few of the posts is a bit confusing...

What is actually being said here is that it is illegal to fly at night without lights.

Because as soon as you start recording the LED lights are turned off, this makes you flight illegal.

It is not that it is illegal to record at night, it is simply that recording turns off the lights making the flight itself illegal.

As has been mentioned elsewhere, in the US it is likely that the built in LEDs would not be bright enough to comply with night lighting anyway.

Hope that clarified - it took me a while to under6what was actually being said.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

I've thought about this nav lights situation a bit in the past.

At first it would seem logical to have the left leg lights red and the right leg lights green, however this designed for aircraft that generally fly forwards only.

As a quadcopter can fly in any direction should the lights reverse when flying backwards? And be front legs red, back legs green when crabbing to the right?

That would fit the scheme for collision avoidance as per fixed wing aircraft, but it wouldn't help you know which way your drone was facing.

And by having the lighta fixed as red on left legs and green on right legs, when you are not flying forwards you are actually giving off misleading anti-collision information....

It's a conundrum!
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Nav lights on aircraft are actually a really clever system that conveys vital safety information.

(Disclaimer: I don't have a night rating and haven't studied this for about 20 years so I hope I remember this right).

Nav lights are only visible at very specific angles. The red light is visible from 0 degrees forward to 110 degrees to the port side. The green light is visible from 0 degrees forward to 110 degrees to the right side. ie the are visible straight on and slightly to the rear but critically not from the opposite sides

You also have a white nav light visible for almost but not quite 180 degrees around the rear (about 70 degrees each side).

If you see the white nav light the aircraft is travelling in the same direction as you.

If you see green on your left and red on your right it is travelling directly towards you.

Green on your left (green to red) your paths are converging - danger.

Red on your right (red to green) danger again.
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No Original Thought
First Officer
Flight distance : 1479026 ft
United Kingdom

Red on your left (red to red) the aircraft has passed in front of you safely and will pass on your port side.

Green on your right, will safely pass on your starboard side.

(Green on your left and red on your right = one of you is upside down!)

All of this only works if the nav lights are coloured according to the direction of travel of the aircraft - which on a quadcopter is not fixed to the hardware...

It's still a clever system, though.

(I assume the system is similar on boats - I should ask @DowntownRDB just how similar it is.)
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