Your Next Adventure Awaits "Discover tips for filming and learn how to get the most out of your Osmo Action 4." It should be... Discover tips for VIDEOING and learn how to get the most out of your Osmo Action 4. Using words like film or filming, showing symbols that represent film is ignorant and de-educates. With all due respect. There are PLENTY of symbols that actually represent video. Since VIDEO is what we use and is far superior to film. Instead of a strip of film use a strip of VIDEO tape, instead of a reel of film use a 2" quad reel. Instead of saying film say DIGITAL VIDEO. It is. after all, what we use, and it's pretty cool. :-) :-)
Film, filming, and filmmaking are the most misused and MIMICKED words in the industry.Digital Video and film require different skill sets. Having DIFFERENT historical and TECHNOLOGICAL timelines spanning 150 years. Have PRIDE and KNOWLEDGE of the gear we use including the words that describe what we do. Our tools are Digital Video, Non-linear, and CGI. We are moviemakers, not filmmakers and we do what film wishes it could. We are Videographers directors and/or cinematographers. Using the word film lacks originality, creativity, and a poor understanding of the craft.
We video or are videoing, we do not film. That's the other RARE professionals who know how to use film (such as KODAK COLOR NEGATIVE 35MM 500T) and film cameras, like an ARRIFLEX 435 Panavision R-200 and Steenbeck flatbed film editors. Know the difference and have a better understanding of the craft. You will also stand out in an industry polluted with point-and-shoot "pros". Respect to you.✌♥
This is film. :-)