I travel for work and create content for work.
I purchased a DJI Mic 2 whilst travelling from an official DJI store after I took my Mic 1 for a swim, I had had no issues with the Mic 1 so simply bought the new one.
Within a month one transmitter was no longer connecting to the reciever. Nothing could get it to connect all troubleshooting was done to no avail.
The next week the second transmitter stopped connecting. So now I had a completely useless product that was just over a month old.
When I finally came home I sent it off for repair under what I assumed would be a warranty repair seeing as the product was only realeased in January it seemed cut and dry this was a defective product.
The mic was assessed by the repair centre and the result was 'Transmitter Functional Module was malfunctioned, which caused failure to charge.'
This report came with a bill of 107 euros as their products do not have a "global" warranty.
So a DJI want me to essentially pay a 30% premium on the price of a product to simply have it working as expected.
Upon messaging my surprise and displeasure to being charged for simply getting a working product I was offered a 30 euro discount on the repair bill.
I am dissapointed to have been sold a faulty product, which left me using a shotgun mic for the duration of the trip from Rode (which hasn't failed after years of use) I am even more dissapointed that DJI will not agree to repair a product that was clearly deffective irrespective of a "global" warranty or not.
Selling a faulty product and then charging the customer to repair it is frankly predatory and short sighted. I will certainly be sharing my experience of this with my audience and it is in stark contrast to my experience with the largest manufacturer of action cameras and it definitely makes me happy I did not change over to the Osmo Action cameras like I briefly considered.
I have not been able to contact anyone to discuss this further with but would welcome the opportunity to resolve this in a positive manner.