Flight distance : 988451 ft
United Kingdom
Hey everyone.
So I have a pretty important question to ask regarding Mini 3 Pro RTH.
I’ve seen a few other people experience this problem like me, but no answers were found, so I post this in hopes of an answer. Let me set the scene:
When the Mini 3 Pro gets a RTH command, you expect it to fly up to the RTH altitude, and then fly home and land, right? Yeah, you do.
And what about if the drone is in a negative altitude when RTH is initiated? It will fly up to the RTH altitude, fly home and land like normal. So far so good.
Now what about if the Mini 3 Pro gets a RTH command when closer to the home point than 50m? Normally, it will fly back to the home point at the current altitude, and avoid obstacles while doing so.
But here’s the issue: What if the drone ends up being in a negative altitude and RTH is initiated when the drone is less than 50m away from Home point? You would expect it to gain altitude in this case and then fly back, but this doesn’t happen. Why??? ESPECIALLY if in the manual it says that in this scenario the drone should ascend to 2m and THEN RTH.
This seems to be a MASSIVE issue, because you could end up LOSING the drone if it was over a canyon for example, and the controller disconnects.
I did many tests to see when the drone would successfully RTH, but in each instance, it didn’t RTH, even if the battery was very low. I tried setting the RTH mode to Bypass, and even tried waiting until battery was almost depleted, but nothing worked.
So: Why is this even an issue?????? It seems as if it were an unfixed bug!!!!
I apologise for the long message, but If anyone has an answer to this, I would greatly appreciate any help!!
Thanks very much.