United Kingdom
DJI Gamora Posted at 8-14 02:44
Hi there,
Thank You for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. The distance of image transmission is closely associated with various factors in the current environment, including the interference of Wi-Fi signals, signal transmitting power, relative direction and location of signal reception, obstructions,etc. Since you mention you are flying again after few months of break, could you update the firmware and apps on all ur device. Reboot and try again. Make sure the remote controller antenna position is correct. An improper remote controller antenna position may affect the video transmission signal, so it’s necessary to adjust the remote controller antenna to its best position for the aircraft. You can refer onthe user manual.
Hi Gamora.
Thank you for your reply.
It's not the image transmission I loose its the link to the RC resulting in a total loss of control.
I would be very concerned if the orientation of my antenna was an issue at a range of 1 meter.
I have checked on the DJI app and it says all my software is up to date.
You mentioned the environment which is a fair point and I had flown in what I would describe as an industrial area, at home and in the middle of nowhere in a field with no sources of interference present and the same issue occurred. The video loss is just a symptom of the loss off communication between the drone and the RC controller.
One return to home has self initiated the drone has become aware that the signal has been absent for a pre programmed window at which point automatic RTH takes over.
Thanks also to Sean I will look for those logs, and perhaps borrow another Mini 2, but I feel that there's something else going on as there have been many reports about his issue.