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RC Disconnects in flight
393 9 2024-8-14
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Flight distance : 56 ft
United Kingdom

I have a Mini2 (2021) that  I really enjoy but since I started flying again after a couple of months break I have an issue.
When I prep the drone to fly I do all my preflight checks and often as not recallibrate the compas just for giggles.

The issue I have is my normal routine is to wait for satelites and take off, I get my home point updated and move a few feet away and hover at about 8 feet so I can check that all is well and stable I may do this for a minute or so.

I have noticed my last few flights ater a break I mentioned above that when I do this same routine I completeley loose all signal from the RC and prior to this as you would expect I had 100% full signal at a distance of a few feet.

More than once the drone has initiated a return to home which I have cancelled before it has completed as it will just reconnect by it's self showing 100% signal strength once again.

I have also had this issue on the ground prior to flight where I cant get a connection untill I move th RC very close to the drone.
Prior to my short break all was perfect and the only thing that happend when nI started fling again was the usual updates,  coincident perhaps?

I have seen other posts detailing a similar issue, more than I would have expected and when I contacted support I recieved mixed advise.

One agent suggested that it could be an SD card issue which made no differenc on a flight without it, another wanted me to send flight logs and was going to send me details of how to do this, but didn't and on the third try I was told that I should return it to a service centre in the Netherlands and I may have to pay as it's out of warrantee.

When I spoke to one of the agents I asked if there was a known issue and he told me there was but wouldn't elaborate.

My confidence has been rocked a little with this, whats the thoughts of the collective.

Many thanks,

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 15997 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

Regarding the logs, perhaps.

Read the instructions on
upload a relevant .txt flight log to that site and post its URL here.
That said I think there's a fair chance that all it will show is that the drone disconnects. The logs on your phone/controller are recorded ONLY whilst the drone is connected to the controller and, if relevant, the phone is connected to the controller.
What controller are you using and, if relevant, what phone are you using ?

I suspect that DJI were after the .DAT flight logs on the drone and for those you need to install the appropriate DJI Assistant 2 on your computer.
Once that is installed, boot that software, switch the drone and connect it to the computer via USB. I recollect that a mini 2 must be connected to the computer within 15 seconds of the drone being switched on.
Once the drone has connected to the assistant 2 you should be able to see and download the DATs on the drone.
Only DJI can read those DATs.
The DATs on the drone are recorded from drone switch on to drone switch of and would thus cover the disconnected period/s.

Did you update the firmware of the drone and controller, if so and using the assistant 2, can you ''refresh'' them OR go back to the old firmwares ?
If so, did either of those work ?
If you didn't update the firmware then I suppose you could try the "refresh the firmware" thing and if those don't work updating the firmwares.
If all that doesn't work can you borrow a mini 2 and controller and try the other controller with your drone and your controller with the other drone.
If so what happens ?
Use props
DJI Gamora

Hi there,

Thank You for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. The distance of image transmission is closely associated with various factors in the current environment, including the interference of Wi-Fi signals, signal transmitting power, relative direction and location of signal reception, obstructions,etc. Since you mention you are flying again after few months of break, could you update the firmware and apps on all ur device. Reboot and try again. Make sure the remote controller antenna position is correct. An improper remote controller antenna position may affect the video transmission signal, so it’s necessary to adjust the remote controller antenna to its best position for the aircraft. You can refer onthe user manual.

If issue persist let us know. We are looking forward to your response for further assistance. Thank You
Use props
Flight distance : 56 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Gamora Posted at 8-14 02:44
Hi there,

Thank You for reaching out. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience you are experiencing. The distance of image transmission is closely associated with various factors in the current environment, including the interference of Wi-Fi signals, signal transmitting power, relative direction and location of signal reception, obstructions,etc. Since you mention you are flying again after few months of break, could you update the firmware and apps on all ur device. Reboot and try again. Make sure the remote controller antenna position is correct. An improper remote controller antenna position may affect the video transmission signal, so it’s necessary to adjust the remote controller antenna to its best position for the aircraft. You can refer onthe user manual.

Hi Gamora.
Thank you for your reply.
It's not the image transmission I loose its the link to the RC resulting in a total loss of control.
I would be very concerned if the orientation of my antenna  was an issue at a range of 1 meter.
I have checked on the DJI app and it says all my software is up to date.
You mentioned the environment which is a fair point and I had flown in what I would describe as an industrial area, at home and in the middle of nowhere in a field with no sources of interference present and the same issue occurred. The video loss is just a symptom of the loss off communication between the drone and the RC controller.
One return to home has self initiated the drone has become aware that the signal has been absent for a pre programmed window at which point automatic RTH takes over.

Thanks also to Sean I will look for those logs, and perhaps borrow another Mini 2, but I feel that there's something else going on as there have been many reports about his issue.

Use props
DJI Gamora

Cozza Posted at 8-14 03:15
Hi Gamora.
Thank you for your reply.
It's not the image transmission I loose its the link to the RC resulting in a total loss of control.

Please send us a video recording of the problem. This will allow us to investigate further and provide you with the most accurate solution based on the specific issue you're encountering. We are looking forward to your response for further assistance. Thank You
Use props

I have exactly the same issue cozza is mentioning, checked all the firmware updates and pre flight steps, even restored my RC to factory settings but all in vain.
Photo attached when my smart controller disconnects and RTH activated, then somewhere im between it connects again.
Use props
DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


djiuser_XB7NxRcGGHMY Posted at 8-16 23:46
I have exactly the same issue cozza is mentioning, checked all the firmware updates and pre flight steps, even restored my RC to factory settings but all in vain.
Photo attached when my smart controller disconnects and RTH activated, then somewhere im between it connects again.

Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

Could you provide the image via a shareable link through Google Drive or Dropbox for our review?

Please keep us posted. Thank you.
Use props
Flight distance : 9056693 ft

Hello everyone, same issue here...there is a tested solution?
Use props
United States

same here, I think it's firmware problem
Use props
United States

I think DJI did this on purpose so that we would buy new DJI products, it's disgusting. Everything was working fine before August, in August I found that the mini2 had been upgraded to the latest firmware without my consent, and then the show began, when the mini2 was a dozen meters away from you, everything was normal, and then when it was more than 100 meters away, or when the altitude exceeded 100 meters, it would display "Unable to connect to remote control", and the problem occurred randomly, either forcing a return or waiting for it to randomly return to normal.
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