Flight distance : 61427 ft
United States
In case you've missed it, the latest firmware decides you can't fly over or near stadiums 24/7/365...whether anything is going on there, or not. Just so happens one of our local stadiums is adjacent to a very popular lakefront park, and because of this lunacy, we can no longer fly in this park EVER.
Apparently DJI can't spell TFR, and especially don't know the meaning of the first letter in TFR: TEMPORARY Flight Restriction.
I get that the idiots who have flown and crashed at recent sporting events have (as we all worried they would) ruined it for the rest of us, but local pro shooters have legitimate reasons to work in the vicinity of stadiums when they are NOT covered by a TFR, and now we'll need to purchase Non-DJI equipment to do so.