Second Officer
Flight distance : 2013891 ft
Just a more detailed explanation: when you put into a 60 fps timeline a shot taken at 59.94 fps, DaVinci Resolve needs to generate a new frame every 100 frames, in order to compensate for the difference. This new frame can be calculated using different algorithms, that you can find in the project setting under the Frame Interpolation section (nearest, frame blend, optical flow), or for each single shot into the Inspector section Retime and scaling. Typically the simplest algorithm (algorithm) provides poor results (but consuming few CPU) and the most sophisticated (Optical Flow) the best results. But, depending on the shot, also the Nearest can deliver acceptable results. In some cases, when using the Nearest algorithm, you can see some small bumps in the final video, in the fastest scenes.
In order to skip all these calculation, you just need to go to the Media page, select the clips you imported into the project, right click and open the Clip Attribute item. Here you can override the frame rate of the imported clips to 60 fps.
Now you just need to create a 60 fps timeline and work with the clips.
I'm using this method when mixing the clips taken with the drone and the ones taken with the iPhone, and the result is perfect.
At the beginning, when I was not aware about that capability, I used to set the Optical Flow algorithm, obtaining very good results, but waiting a lot during the generation of the cached timeline and of the final video.