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Negative feedback with M4P+G.Integra+Rcm2
154 3 8-17 22:52
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Flight distance : 292 ft

On  August 9, after the lost of a young woman on the West coast of Reunion  Island (Indian Ocean), I voluntarily join the Search&Rescue mission  with my M4P: 10h00 AM, clear sky, swell 2m, S-E wind of 5 km/h

Because  of the strong sunshine the black lava cliff contrasts strongly with the  foam of the waves, this leads me to use the G.Integra in order to not  be disturbed by reflections on the RC2 screen and to have a more precise  vision on the search area.
Finally,  the RcM2 not allowing me to change the point of vue off movements of  the handle, I have to use “Head-Tracking” function of the G.Integra to  direct the guimbal down or side way without interfering with the  trajectory and the flight height (the drone is above the waves).  Unfortunately, this "H-T" function has huge coordination failures  between the guimbal movements and the trajectory tracking that cause  images jumps and blockages of the trajectory target in a corner of the  screen. These problems are too disruptive for the research work to  continue the S&R mission effectively.

In conclusion, this  failure would not have occurred if I have been able to use RC2 instead  of RcM2 with the M4P and G.Integra. This would have allowed me to  independently direct the guimbal downward or to use the joysticks to perform  complex flight movements allowing me to execute the search exactly where  I wanted... and without risk of losing control of the drone

Maybe  one day, DJI will understand that the M4P merites to be used with the  G.Integra (or G2) for something else than playing with FPV mode

8-17 22:52
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DJI Mindy

Hi there, currently, only RC Motion 2 is supported when flying Mini 4 Pro with Goggles Integra. You can consider Goggles 3 which is currently supported by RC 2. However, we will also forward your feedback and suggestions to the corresponding team for evaluation. Thanks for your understanding and support.
You can also refer to: ... ibility_Information(for_Goggles_3)_EN.pdf ... _Information_EN.pdf
8-18 02:06
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Flight distance : 292 ft

DJI Mindy Posted at 8-18 02:06
Hi there, currently, only RC Motion 2 is supported when flying Mini 4 Pro with Goggles Integra. You can consider Goggles 3 which is currently supported by RC 2. However, we will also forward your feedback and suggestions to the corresponding team for evaluation. Thanks for your understanding and support.
You can also refer to:

Thank you for this answer... as laconic as it is unnecessary
All M4P users know that only the Google 3 allow to use the RC2 with G.Integra and this drone. They just deplore it as much as they demand that this compatibility is finally made possible. Unfortunately, DJI prefers to meet this need by selling its G.3, even if this strategy must cost it a shark reputation
8-18 04:29
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DJI Mindy

Seabird974 Posted at 8-18 04:29
Thank you for this answer... as laconic as it is unnecessary
All M4P users know that only the Google 3 allow to use the RC2 with G.Integra and this drone. They just deplore it as much as they demand that this compatibility is finally made possible. Unfortunately, DJI prefers to meet this need by selling its G.3, even if this strategy must cost it a shark reputation

We understand your desire of making the Goggles Integra work with RC 2 and Mini 4 Pro. We also hope this function can be achieved. We will forward your feedback and request to the corresponding team for evaluation. Thanks for your understanding and support.
8-19 02:30
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