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YouTube livestream not stored
366 8 2024-8-25
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peacecop kalmer

I have made many YouTube livestreams with my camera and once I wanted to review them, they seemed to be all gone. On YouTube, I only see in the Live section that they are Upcoming although they were streamed for real but I cannot see the recordings. Where do I see the recordings of my live streams? Normally, if I use my smartphone for YouTube streaming, all of them are later available in the Live section of YouTube Studio. The ones I streamed using Action 4, all seem to be gone.
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United States

on your desktop version you are    placing them live manually, it can not be done via the app only, unless the updated how live stream works
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peacecop kalmer

Fishycomics Posted at 8-25 12:31
on your desktop version you are    placing them live manually, it can not be done via the app only, unless the updated how live stream works

What? I am worrying that there are no recordings but there were live transmissions. I checked.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

You can keep the Livestream video during the product’s Livestream can do so in the following ways:

- Kindly install the SD card in the aircraft, recording can be started while in Livestream, and recording can also be stopped at any time during the Livestream, the default resolution of the recorded video is 1080P 30fps;

- Some Livestream platforms have Livestream playback settings.

Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us for assistance. Thank you.
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United States

With my GoPro made so easy to Livestream, I find DJI to be as complicated as  my other  brands like Yi technology.  this is what I do to make sure I got my stream saved. I made a thread  in the Action camera about 5 years ago.

1 open mimo get to the live stream when it says  go live. you are "Not streaming" till you  put the phone aside, go to  another computer, and go to youtube desktop version and  manage stream, and there you must hit Live, and also end the stream.

Once that is done the stream will be stored on the  webhost,
from again what I read, you did many streams and no longer see it in the Playback/live  of youtube.   if you do not mind telling  all exactly step by step how you are streaming to get it live.
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peacecop kalmer

The live streaming still works without using the YouTube desktop version. The only problem is that it is not stored on YouTube. If I am in the forest, I have no access to the desktop version.

How did I stream? In "Mimo", I chose the Livestream tab and filled in the form. I had to hotspot my mobile data connection and select that as a Wi-Fi network. I also had to do yet another very annoying thing each time - logging in to YouTube and choosing the channel. Then it took time to prepare on "Mimo" -s side and the next annoying thing is that while live-streaming there is no preview on the smartphone, so it is impossible to adopt the right angle. All of that could be arranged with just one press on a button if that would be available and configurable.
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United States

Here is the Steps to livestreaming. ... D696%26typeid%3D696

Here is a video me showing how I do the actual livestreaming

If I misunderstood I apologize. Unless we see one, do one, teach one that is how we live stream.

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peacecop kalmer

Thank you for making such a detailed show about making a live stream using "Mimo" and YouTube! This however does not add something that I have learned during the discussion of these issues already. I would like you to do the same with some adjustments:
1. Instead of using the tripod use a special headband and fasten the "Osmo Action 4" to your forehead!
2. Instead of using the laptop use the same smartphone for "Go Live"!
3. Show the stream while you are running in the forest and how you adjust the angle!
If you do these three adjustments then you get what I mean. Of course, you can do all these things while being comfortably at a desk and having the time of the world but try to put yourself into my shoes and just imagine that a rabbit is running on the field and you want to live-stream it with high quality and probably make it available for some people to watch right after the stream! If you would manage to do that using "Mimo" and YouTube then you are performing above my expectations and our knowledge so far. As far as I understood, it is impossible with that equipment and maybe it would be easier to do with GoPro's cameras as you suggested. I do not know. I had a "Hero 8 Black" and had so many issues with that which was also the reason why I turned to DJI hoping a better customer experience.
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United States

I hear what you're saying. but maybe its best to better understand your steps in how you stream, I know when signals are weak streams do fail.  hope you sort the issue out, maybe a rep can pass your concerns along and get back with the propper  resolution, but they will require your steps

Regards FISH


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