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Matrice 350 RTK Videos with Zenmuse P1 Jerky Movements
181 4 8-27 06:42
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United Kingdom

Hi, hoping someone can help.

I have created a route on my Matrice 350 RTK with the Zenmuse P1 attached to shoot a video. I've added a point of interest and run the route but the video is coming out jerky or rather the camera movements are, they're not smooth like when I've done a similar thing on the Mavic 2 Pro?

Am I doing something wrong?


8-27 06:42
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft

This is not the ideal drone/payload combo for this kind of task.
P1 is a camera made for ortho shooting. Indeed the M2P is clearly more recommended for video task. Or newer Mavic - mini range ...  Its image is very well stabilized and it is less sensitive to wind than Matrices series. The least we can say in view of the video is that there is wind, a little too much perhaps.

The parasitic movements that we see on the video clearly seem to be the vibration dampers that move, which is normal especially since the trajectory does not seem to be very smooth. A manual flight with less wind would perhaps solve the problem.
8-27 08:33
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Yaw Drone

United Kingdom

Thanks for taking the time to reply, much appreciated!
8-30 10:05
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Pedro Bocchini

United States

LV_Forestry Posted at 8-27 08:33
This is not the ideal drone/payload combo for this kind of task.
P1 is a camera made for ortho shooting. Indeed the M2P is clearly more recommended for video task. Or newer Mavic - mini range ...  Its image is very well stabilized and it is less sensitive to wind than Matrices series. The least we can say in view of the video is that there is wind, a little too much perhaps.

Has anybody used the Matrice 350 to check for oil spills in the Ocean using a Ultraviolet Camera? What was the camera model used?
9-1 19:39
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2660509 ft

Pedro Bocchini Posted at 9-1 19:39
Has anybody used the Matrice 350 to check for oil spills in the Ocean using a Ultraviolet Camera? What was the camera model used?

Vito ( Belgium research ) did/do flights in the harbour : ... ls-port-environment

9-3 04:34
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