DowntownRDB Posted at 9-1 04:32
That is one magnificent area. Really nice homes on huge lots and with water access. Lovely place to fly and obtain some remarkable footage Charles.
This was fun to fly. Looking back I wish I spent more time shooting inward.
It truly is a fantastic area for some obstacle free flying. I need to look at a map but I'm wondering if you could put your boat in the water at Horseneck Point and then navigate all the way out to the Atlantic Ocean. No doubt it is quite a long distance if even possible.
DowntownRDB Posted at 9-1 05:31
It truly is a fantastic area for some obstacle free flying. I need to look at a map but I'm wondering if you could put your boat in the water at Horseneck Point and then navigate all the way out to the Atlantic Ocean. No doubt it is quite a long distance if even possible.
It would be a trek you would have to go east then north for half the sate of NJ to get out around Fort Hancock.