Flight distance : 37674 ft
United States
Been flying the mini 2 for about 3 years now. Never a crash! Have the original batteries that still charge fully and I bought a 4th last year.. I guess it's been maybe 6 or 8 weeks since I've flown. My drone is absolutely crippled. Same old story I keep hearing about. disconnected from the remote. When I put a battery in the aircraft only the two outside lights are let with solid red rear light. Apparently my phone is connected.Because I can see with my screen what's on the camera but have no control.. It will not power off with the button.You have to pull the battery. I have heard many problems like this.. I've tried and tried. This is my favorite time of the year here in Michigan as we get closer to fall. I wish I had an extra $1000 laying around so I could just replace it but unfortunately i'm stuck with trying to fix it which may never happen.. I can't even sell this thing... It doesn't work all of the sudden... smh |