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Advantage of recording at 100 FPS
157 1 9-5 03:14
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Flight distance : 121289 ft

What is the advantage of recording at 100 FPS instead of 60 FPS?

1. it's good for slow motion, right?
2. but it is true that the image quality is slightly worse because we have the same bitrate as 60FPS?
3. for the best latency to the glasses I need 100FPS? 30FPS would be the worst choice here? Or does that have nothing to do with it?

thanks for help!

9-5 03:14
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1211814 ft
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Lower latency is the only advantage. Unfortunately newer goggles all being OLED are limited to 100fps, we used to have 120fps on FPV Goggles V1/V2 and that was much more useful as it was divisible by 30fps and even 24fps for those who think that's "cinematic" and was even lower latency. 30 FPS is the worst choice for latency yeah, but you get highest bitrate per frame. 60 fps is the best compromise.
9-5 07:19
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