Flight distance : 61155 ft
hawkins2000 Posted at 9-9 06:04
DJIs selling strategy is crystal clear: selling the NEO for a small price to boost the sales for the equipment: FPV RC3 / goggles 3 / RC Motion 3. Don't have much hope this backwards compatibility is gonna come....
well, I don't think many will but Googles 3 just to use Neo.
Neo is a cheap drone to use with voice command and phone.
If DJI's strategy is to sell Googles over Neo, then it is a wrong strategy.
I would buy Neo as a second/third drone to carry everywhere. Probably wouldn't even use Googles with it. I use my Googles Integra with my Mini 3 Pro and my Avata.
If Neo supports Googles Integra , I would consider getting a Neo because that would increase the use of my Googles Integra. If not, then I will not even consider Neo.