Flight distance : 56112 ft
United States
The out put on the RC is a mini HDMI connector so you will need a cable with the mini connector on one end and a standard HDMI connector on the other end. I bought a 10 foot cable on eBay for under $5 with free shipping. I tested the output on my TV in the house and the display is very good. The output is from the camera only so you will see what the camera sees, all other data is displayed on your mobile device. When using the HDMI port the camera display will not be on your tablet only on the device the HDMI is connected to. PS: The PC board is very easy to install. I am not a technical person and I changed it in about 15 minutes. Watch the DJI video first and you will not have any problems. Once you change it out you will have to do a software update to the RC controller so do this before you go out to fly. The software update is automatic and takes about 1 minuet, just follow the prompts, cycle the power on the RC and you are good to go! Fly Safe! |