Flight distance : 422864 ft
Dear Support,
I've met some strange issue with my RC3. The left stick while it goes from 0 to 100% of throttle randomly shows yaw is going left or right, but I don't move the stick to the left or right (video attached)... When I fly the Avata 2 (video from Goggles 3 attached), it also turns left or right with a small noise when I just move throttle, not yaw.
I didn't meet such a problem with previous firmware (v01.00.0100), but with v01.00.0200 and v01.00.0300 it cannot be solved via calibration and firmware refreshing.
How can I downgrade the firmware? I cannot see previous versions in DJI Assistant 2... Or which solution is possible?
By the way, I didn't drop the controller, and I didn't travel with sticks mounted on, just a regular usage according to the Manual.
Maybe this could give you some ideas: with FW v01.00.0100 2 weeks ago I had another problem called "joystick error", and it happened very randomly while I started RC3, calibration via Goggles 3 solved it everytime, but sometimes I was needed to calibrate 2 or 3 times to make this error disappear. "Joystick error" issue disappeared after I updated the FW to v01.00.0200.
Thanks in advance