First Officer
Flight distance : 4726654 ft
djiuser_bsTrkDdZb1wr Posted at 9-8 01:25
The guidebook says "for a linear flight mission, a calibration flight route is added automatically to the beginning, during the mission (every 100s between two waypoints) and the end of the flight routes".
That's exactly my point, in a linear flight mission, the calibration flight routes ARENT added between teh waypoints, only at the start and end.... why?
Are you sure you are using DJI Livox?
In Mapping, the drone stops at the end of each branch, the speed drops to zero to recalibrate the IMU, it is well explained in the manual. If a branch is longer than 100 seconds it will also stop in the middle of the branch to calibrate.
In linear it is the same, at each waypoint it stops to recalibrate and starts again. If there is a time greater than 100 seconds between two waypoints, it will also stop.
I do not catch where the problem is.
It may be the fact that the waypoint is not colored yellow that is disturbing you. But the behavior of the drone is the same... |