United Kingdom
djiuser_Fr7x5BQoAx8r Posted at 9-9 23:51
OK, Mic2 is pr w phone, I have solid blue LED showing its connected, phone tells me its connected to bluetooth, I connect to NEO, I recored a video, I can see a mic icon, showing when I talk so its picking up the audio, I can see the recorded sound file, after a few trys, and in all cases, the audio files is there and playing, but all I can hear is gliches,
I did test audio form the phones mics and they are working....
I'm having a similar issue to you. The mic2 and phone are paired and when I record from the neo, I can see from the mic symbol in the video that it is recording audio.
However, when I play back the video either from the neo or after transferring it to my phone, the audio is just garbled and high pitched.
Using my phone's mic and the audio comes out just fine
Hope someone can help! |