Thanks for your reply but you have not really understood my problem, I am not trying to update the drone firmware.I have purchased a DJI MOTION CONTROLLER from eBay, its old but has never been activated, I checked the battery lights which showed 3 green lights. I opened DJI assistant 2 (FPVSERIES) to activate and attempted to upload the latest firmware, The Update failed at 50% with the screen frozen, I disconnected and reconnected to attempt upload again, and a window message popped up "Firmware incompatibility detected between some modules and current device. Update your firmware?" I attempted this update numerous times and it fails at 40%, the controller has two middle green lights flashing, it does not beep at all, and cannot enter bind mode. Has the battery become to discharged to allow updates? slill shows 3 lights but will not charge higher than 3, can I download the firmware somewhere other than DJI assistant to apply using DroneHacks? or is there another way to fix this? the current version is V02.00.0700, when this window pops up "Firmware incompatibility detected between some modules and current device. Update your firmware?" it tries to install V00.05.1003 and fails, during upload computer makes the noise off the device disconnecting as if the controller is losing power? surely the two green center lights flashing indicates an error?Another weird issue, when connected for charging lights are moving in wrong direction? left to right and larger led on left is not lit up? |