X5?? Did I make a mistake
2314 16 2015-9-21
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Flight distance : 2858701 ft
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United States

I just ordered the X5, Did I make a 2300.00 mistake???
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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Depends. Why did you order the X5?
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Flight distance : 2858701 ft
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United States

To get better quality photos and video for my clients. More options basically.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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Stills will be better, no doubt.

Video will be better but not dramatically. The optics and sensor are better but that glass and CMOS are still pushing down to a 60Mbps file and all of the post limitations of the X3 will still be there. If you don't do much grading or post production it's going to be an upgrade but if you're hoping for more wiggle room in the finishing suite I wouldn't get your hopes up.

You can see some example footage below. It's better than the X3 but it's not worlds better. Things to notice are the trees when the copter is looking down - fast moving foliage is just too much data for 60Mbps to handle cleanly so while the image is nice, you can see the issues.

Case in point, you can see the comparison with foliage below. The X5 images are better... but I'm not sure they're 4x the cost better.

I shot this on an X3:

These got shot this on an X5:

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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

I am still waiting for the first real flighttime experiences with a X5. In another thread I calculated 2-3min less but did not inlcude the much higher power output of the X5 in the calculation. Unfortunately no one did comment to it.

So the question will also be if the better quality justifies the lower flighttime.

I am still waiting for a X4 with just 1"chip, 100Mbps and 4K 50/60p - this should be much cheaper but 95% of the quality  and almost no more weight.
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United States

I wouldn't see any point in offering an additional version that uses a 1 inch chip. The advantage of the M4/3s is a range of existing lenses along with the larger format.  Two sizes should cover all needs considering the 1 inch solution will offer what... a little bit less weight?  

I can certainly see DJI parlaying its stabilized tiny X3 and X5 camera technology into to a range of solutions for handheld and remote videography outside of the aerial realm.  Meanwhile the X3 camera can be updated with new models as better chips and faster processors come out.  Maybe an additional small version that uses a zoom lens would sell well.
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United States

it still hard for any of us to know what really is the difference until someone finally releases some raw footage out of the X5... i took the plunge, I am hoping that it is what I am hoping :-)
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United States

Many people these days are spec hounds...you see it with sUASs, you see it with smartphones. Yes while specifications can give a glimpse into performance, the ultimate test is actually
Using it. Long story short everyone in this forum needs to stop all the crying and wait until either you buy one and try it out, or wait until enough footage is posted from early adopters.

If the X5 isn't enough for your uber-professional tastes then the X5R should definitely be the ticket. Sure it costs, but you're a professional correct? Let's be honest, if you're really making money then the X5R can pay for itself with two jobs at the most. For all the complaining going on in here, please tell me what platform besides the Inspire 1 has a MFT sensor shooting 4K RAW on a 3 axis Gimbal, that you can fit in a case that isn't too big, Ned can be flight ready within 3-4 minutes...oh and not look like a wired monstrosity like the S1000+ and the other ungainly looking hex/octocopters? My point exactly. So put up the money, or shut your traps and go fly a Phantom 3 or something.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft

rjs21989 Posted at 2015-9-22 02:25
To get better quality photos and video for my clients. More options basically.

Yes, you did the right thing.  The video is noticeably better.   The larger sensor makes everything pop better.   The only thing that won't be improved is the bitrate, though DJI swear the larger sensor gives the compression a much nicer starting point which follows though to your end result.

Of course the ultimate will be the X5R but in my opinion the X5 will give you a very noticeable step up.
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United States

Skylinewg Posted at 2015-9-21 16:06
Many people these days are spec hounds...you see it with sUASs, you see it with smartphones. Yes whi ...

I was being some what sarcastic, as yes I did buy it... I can't tell you how many bar conversations I have had with people telling me that there iPhone is a better camera than my 5ds lol... specs are something and I am sure the quality will be fine... I would take a bigger sensor most of the time... hell If I could figure out how to put my mamya on the bird i would! (no no just the old fashioned 6x4 not digital i wish!)

I personally can;t wait to get it, I am sure the stills will be great and the video will be better.
But then again I would rather have a crapy camera at the right time for that great shot than a 56K hasselblad while sitting on my couch... (then again... )
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Flight distance : 501250 ft

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-9-22 10:12
I was being some what sarcastic, as yes I did buy it... I can't tell you how many bar conversations ...

i pulled the trigger as well as i needed a back up for my i1 X3 combo.
Walking away from the Inspire set up after spending money on cases, batteries and dual remote it's just not sensible. Better stills are all I needed so there I go it.
I'm sure it is an upgrade and hopefully even the motors will get some sort of mod for the good side.
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

alan@goldsteinp Posted at 2015-9-21 20:28
I wouldn't see any point in offering an additional version that uses a 1 inch chip. The advantage of ...

the main problem of the X3 is the extremely small chip at lowest compact camera quality  the other two are the 60 Mbps and the 30p otherwise would be fine

A camera with 1" chip, 100 Mbps and 4K 50/60p  could be much better quality with only few more weight and almost the same flight time - basically thats like the X3 should be
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United States

I thought you meant a 1 inch chip camera with interchangeable lenses. They certainly could make a 1 inch version to replace the X3 but that would heavily impact X5 sales.
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United States

Linolens Posted at 2015-9-22 00:29
i pulled the trigger as well as i needed a back up for my i1 X3 combo.
Walking away from the Inspi ...

Linolens, I am sure it will be an upgrade... Like you said if nothing else the stills will be amazing that is a pretty good range with 13 steps...
As for video we will see... I know I am not a tech guy understand the issues but believe that it might be more complicated than just that.
They have given us great products up to now, mind blowing results and open doors that would still be closed, so yes I do have a little faith in it. (i hope lol)
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United States

Unless you have a high-end production contract or one in the works you would have been much better off spending the bucks on two stock Inspire 1's rather than one high end (X5) machine - for most production work the stock carera is more then ample.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872694 ft
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United States

Machoman Posted at 2015-9-21 10:22
I am still waiting for the first real flighttime experiences with a X5. In another thread I calculat ...

I'm seeing about 13-14mins @ 7000' elevation
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Flight distance : 1036959 ft

alan@goldsteinp Posted at 2015-9-22 14:36
I thought you meant a 1 inch chip camera with interchangeable lenses. They certainly could make a 1  ...

I dont think it would impact X5 sales. Anyone who needs the quality of the X5 will buy it anyway and who does not need it or does not want to accept less flighttime for the difference will not buy it anyway.

I will not buy the X5 but I would buy a 1 inch, 100 Mbit 4K 50/60p camera for 1000,- USD.
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