Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States
FPVrider Posted at 10-9 23:00
I can understand that camara positioning stops working, but it is not acceptable that the Neo ignores any command from the controller from this point forward.
When using the RC N3 controller indoors with the same light condition, the Neo generates an alarm informing that it switched to altitude mode. Some drifting, but still fully controllable.
So yes, this is a software issue.
Only one low light out of control indoor flying incident. Up the open stair to the loft. Shadow at the top of the steps. Foreground Goggles3 image was the dark down quilt draped over the sofa ~2 meters from the top of the steps. Image went dark and grainy. Neo accelerated into the quilt.
Sure hope it is a software issue. Not a sensor limitation. Usually no satellites locked indoors. A good day for either the Avata2 or Neo is 2-3 satellites indoors. Not enough to get a positional lock. So not a satellite lock issue. Downward IR sensor and/or camera sensor hardware and/or software problem.
Today is the type of day for indoors Neo flying. Dark grey heavy cloud cover, cold, and high probability of rainfall. But do I dare fly in such low indoors light?
Have read posts of people flying indoors using follow and having their Neo lose it when hitting an area that apparently is too lowly illuminated. Definitely a problem if DJI intended the Neo for indoors use. |