Flight distance : 6870043 ft
United States
DowntownRDB Posted at 9-15 09:26
Every commercial vessel (ship) is required by law to be registered in a country. The laws of the country in question are used if there are any private maritime disputes and control over the ship in regard to things like regulations and procedures. Flying a foreign flag affects a host of things such as employment and taxes.
Countries with the most favorable vessel laws and least taxes are Panama, Bermuda, Italy, Malta, and The Netherlands.
Interesting, These are things you never think about. I had a client that would fix the radio communications for large freighters that came into Staten Island. He has lots of interesting stories. We manage a small maritime museum website for him, but it' so niche he doesn't get much traffic. He's retired now and wants this maritime communications museum to be his legacy but I told hime it should be on a trailer so it could move from sea town to sea town, because there isn't enough interest for one place. |