Saint Lucia
fichek Posted at 2024-9-16 07:57
Again, you're flying over a reflective surface which DJI explicitly tells you not to do. Visual positioning sensors get confused and crash. Operator error.
I do agree in general its vision positioning is really week and has surprised me by failing in some environments I would not consider too dark, but again, the manual does tell you to set your expectations low, and it *is* a cheap drone. You can always fly it in manual mode in these environments. Or try to cover bottom sensors and fly in atti mode from the start.
Surely the "do not fly over water" advice is if you are using the NEO in one of its autonomous modes, or with just your phone as a controller.
This drone has full GPS/GLONASS/etc support, it has a compass, it has an IMU that can tell which way up it is, and whether it's accelerating or turning or whatever. In short, everything that any DJI drone has to help navigate.
So if you are using an RC, apart from its small size and (relatively) brief battery endurance, why can't you fly it anywhere that you could (say) a Mavic, Air, Mini - or indeed my previous drone, the Spark? |