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Probem with firmware RC-N2 controller
635 8 2024-9-17
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Flight distance : 319711 ft


I am using my Neo with the RC-N2 controller that came with my Air3. I installed the latest firmware, paired the drone and flee with it. When going back to fly the Air 3 with the controller I was forced to downgrade to the oreviuos version. Going back to tje Neo, I had to install the latest firmware version again. My Fly app is the latest version. Has anyone experienced the same issue and if so, is there a solution? If not, this seems a bug to me.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1378789 ft
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There was an update for Air 3 on the same day that Neo released and RC-N2 got its update. Did you update your Air 3?
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Flight distance : 319711 ft

Yes, I did update. But there is a discrepancy between the controller firmware for the aur 3 on the RC-N2 (v01.00.0700) snd for the Neo on tha same controller (v01.03.0100). The first came out on the 5th snd the latter on the 14th. I guess we are waiting for an update for the Air 3 firmware. Unless I am missing something?
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Flight distance : 319711 ft

Yes, I did update. But there is a discrepancy between the controller firmware for the aur 3 on the RC-N2 (v01.00.0700) snd for the Neo on tha same controller (v01.03.0100). The first came out on the 5th snd the latter on the 14th. I guess we are waiting for an update for the Air 3 firmware. Unless I am missing something?
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

To clarify, as mentioned in response #2, a recent firmware update has been released. If the update fails, please restart the aircraft and the remote controller before attempting the update again.

Should you have any other questions, kindly contact us for assistance. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 319711 ft

Hi, Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, nothing works. This is my work flow: Updated the RC-N2 controller firmware (v01.00.0700). Then I updated the Air 3 aircraft to v01.00.1500. When I connect to the Neo I am asked to update the firmware of the controller to V01.03.0100. The firmware for the Neo itself is V01.00.0200. After successfully pairing the Neo and flying and I want to connect to my Air 3 it states that the firmware is incompatible and asks me to downgrade to v01.00.0700. There is no option to upgrade to a newer firmware version for the Air 3 aircraft, nor can I find any documentation a newer version than v01.00.1500. Restarting the aircraft and controller does not resolve the problem. What am I missing??
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Flight distance : 27113 ft
United States

djiuser_o83DZxZPgBlX Posted at 9-18 02:35
Hi, Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, nothing works. This is my work flow: Updated the RC-N2 controller firmware (v01.00.0700). Then I updated the Air 3 aircraft to v01.00.1500. When I connect to the Neo I am asked to update the firmware of the controller to V01.03.0100. The firmware for the Neo itself is V01.00.0200. After successfully pairing the Neo and flying and I want to connect to my Air 3 it states that the firmware is incompatible and asks me to downgrade to v01.00.0700. There is no option to upgrade to a newer firmware version for the Air 3 aircraft, nor can I find any documentation a newer version than v01.00.1500. Restarting the aircraft and controller does not resolve the problem. What am I missing??

I'm having the exact same issue with RC-N2 that I got with my Mini 4 Pro.

Tried to pair with Neo and it updated controller to 01.01.0300 with 2.08mb file size and said it added support for Neo.

I couldn't get it to work (wifi connection works fine) so I tried to re-pair controller with M4P and another firmware for RC-N2 pops up to 01.01.0300 with file size 1.94mb.

This doesn't work either so now I can't fly my M4P at all.
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Flight distance : 319711 ft

DJRobNM Posted at 10-3 13:58
I'm having the exact same issue with RC-N2 that I got with my Mini 4 Pro.

Tried to pair with Neo and it updated controller to 01.01.0300 with 2.08mb file size and said it added support for Neo.

Thank you for your post DJRobNM. No one in the drone YouTube/social media/bloggo-shere has been talking about this problem. This is probably because most people are using the RC2 controller, which does not seem to have this problem. DJI better fixt this with the RC N2 controller so that we can fly our AIr3 and Mini 4 Pro again using this controller.
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United States

I'm having the exact same problem.  I have a Mini 4 Pro and Neo.  Both are updated to the latest firmware available as of 12/26/24.  While the RC-N2 controller works with both drones, different firmware is required for each, and it is necessary to reload the firmware when switching devices -- that is, there is not a single version of the firmware for the RC-N2 that will control both devices.  
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