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RTH to controller custom button request?
480 5 2024-9-18
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United Kingdom

I would love to have teh ability to avoid menus navigation when telling RTH to be to teh controller  -

When filming from a moving car, boat, or aircraft, a customizable RTH button would allow pilots to quickly update the home point or adjust settings with a single press. This would improve safety by reducing the time spent navigating app menus, particularly in fast-moving environments where a pilot’s location is constantly shifting.

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DJI Wanda

Hi there
Before better assist you, could you please tell us what 's the model type of DJI product you mentioned?
Look forward to your reply.
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I would also like to see a RTH (Return to Home) button easily accessible from the DJI Fly Android app.
I purchased the DJI Neo "Fly More" package so have the RC-N3 controller which allows this feature.
I know they want the Android app to be simple - but lots of people online are calling for this feature - and I agree.
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DJI Tony

gmd174 Posted at 9-23 04:30
I would also like to see a RTH (Return to Home) button easily accessible from the DJI Fly Android app.
I purchased the DJI Neo "Fly More" package so have the RC-N3 controller which allows this feature.
I know they want the Android app to be simple - but lots of people online are calling for this feature - and I agree.

Hi there. Which drone are you referring to? We will tell you the location of the corresponding RTH button. Looking forward to your reply.
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DJI Tony Posted at 9-24 00:08
Hi there. Which drone are you referring to? We will tell you the location of the corresponding RTH button. Looking forward to your reply.

My apologies @DJI Tony - DJI Neo.
A RTH button exists on the RC-N3 controller.
What we'd like to see is a RTH button (for the Neo) on the DJI Fly app - phone control.
I hope this is clearer for You.
If you re-read the original post it does mention the DJI Neo - looking back at it again. I didn't forget it after all. :-)
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DJI Tony

gmd174 Posted at 9-24 06:03
My apologies @DJI Tony - DJI Neo.
A RTH button exists on the RC-N3 controller.
What we'd like to see is a RTH button (for the Neo) on the DJI Fly app - phone control.

Hi there. When you are flying DJI Neo using the DJI Fly app, you can trigger RTH by tapping the RTH icon on the left side of the camera view and then pressing and holding the RTH icon. If you have other questions in the future, please feel free to contact us.
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