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Scuba Diving UWL-03 lens for Osmo Action 5 PRO
4552 42 2024-9-22
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Nando Diver

bluefoxdiving Posted at 10-30 13:20
Uso ese lente con GoPro y la razón no es solo por recuperar anguló, sino por que permite acercarse al subjéto hasta 5 cm, algo que sin el lente es imposible, también mejora la nitidez y hay diferentes tipos de lentes no solo el angular, la marca INON ha lanzado varios tipos. Me estoy pensando pasarme a la Action 5 Pro porque por los análisis  de las cámaras de la maraca GoPro y de DJI parece ser que esta ultima es superior en calidad de imagen. Por esa razón quiero informarme de todo lo que pueda sobre la Action 5 Pro y el tema del sensor de temperatura de color me interesa saberlo.

The dji OA5 pro  has some distortions in the corners (vignette) due FOV.
With the wide lents from AOI or INON it gets worse.
The sensor its useless for scuba diving since the underwater case covers the sensor.

Ace Pro 2 might be better but its only 8 bits, and the underwater mode reduces the distortion on the corners
Gopro13 is better for using wide angle lens since they made it specifically for gopro.
Go for gopro13, and use settings like HLG HDR,  4K60 Natural color, and Auto White balance, 10bit, high bitrate.

The Auto WB is reallly acurate on the gopro even at great depths,  has long you filming with underwater diving lights,  and the scene that you filming is close enough to objects underwater so that the light from dive light can bounce back from objects and reflect back to the sensor, this way the gopro will have amazing colors even in green water.

Use props

Do you know eny option for Marco lense ?
Use props
Nando Diver

Icceman Posted at 12-9 04:19
Do you know eny option for Marco lense ?

Forget macro in action cameras.

No focus
No zoom
Tripod is required
Use props
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