Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States
Dirty Bird Posted at 10-1 02:49
I activated mine & allowed it to perform the update. I only installed one battery so I guess I'll get notified if a battery update is required when I pop in the others? Did a quick follow me test around the warehouse. It worked well & was not as loud as I was expecting. Man those props are tiny! I will say this, in the autonomous modes it does not like even moderately dim lighting. The warehouse is pretty well lit, but each time the drone passed under a rack overpass it would stop tracking, pause, then land itself. I have not paired it with an RC or the goggles yet. Been raining here for going on two weeks. We are considering building an ark!
This AM, UPS delivered spare parts ordered.
This afternoon, the DLH contracted regional delivery service delivered the Neo Fly More Kit.
Batteries charging.
Yes, small propellers for a small quad.