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Yaw Tumble - a weird "feature" since the original Avata
1139 2 2024-9-26
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Second Officer
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Well, even the Avata 2 suffers from the Yaw Tumble we all know and hate since the original Avata (1). Still seems the manual mode is not completely manual and the Avata 2 sometimes takes away the control from the pilot doing its own weird things...

I really did hope this issue has been exclusively with the (original) Avata (1) and the different design with lower center of gravity has been a solution, but I was wrong.
DJI, please make the manual mode a *real* manual mode, do not interfere with *any* of the stick and sensor inputs while the drone is in manual. The pilot has to know by itself which flight attitude is right and which is wrong. And always has the ability to press the pause button or switch back to S or even N.

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The Duck
Second Officer
United States

The wobble, wash-out, or "tumble" is inherent on drones with propeller ducts/guards.  It can't really be fixed unless you get rid of the ducts or use more powerful motors.  I'm going to keep my Avata 2 stock, but this guy (Rimzler) on YouTube did it:

I've also noticed the limits on manual mode.  It's nearly impossible to do a 360 yaw spin while maintaining forward momentum.  The Avata 2's flight controller seems to put on the brakes every time I try that move.  I guess DJI knows the Avata 2's limits.
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DJI Natalia

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. We are grateful for you sharing your experience and the impressive footage with our DJI Forum community.

We really appreciate your advice and we'll make sure to pass it on to the right team for review. We're always striving to make things better and better, so please stay tuned to the latest news on our DJI official website at 

Thank you so much for your understanding and support!
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