Flight distance : 8117 ft
Flying my new Phantom 3 Advanced for a few days.
All works perfect, latests update and GO app on Nexus 7 II tablet.
Just one dissapointing thing: poor image quality (sharpness)
Toolk over a hundred pics and not a single picture is sharp! (tried all kind of settings, manual and auto)
Pictures look more like 2MP quality.
I think it's not a vibration or gimbal issue, images taken with the P3A placed static (motors off) on a table show the same bad results.
(Yes, the protecting film on the lens has been removed)
I'm wondering if this also influences the video quality, although the movies I made seam to be ok.
Images taken with my mobile phone Samsung S4 mini at 8MP are much much better, all at auto settings.
So I'm wondering... are there any P3A users who can show me their "good quality" images? (straight out of the cam, not edited)
I would like to compare my images with other users, just to be sure if this is normal. If I see better result on other P3A's, I'll return mine to the factory.