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Neo crash with almost flyaway
1245 10 2024-9-30
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Flight distance : 5905358 ft
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I experienced a critical flight malfunction with my Neo (firmware 0200) yesterday. While flying manually through a narrow gap using Goggles 3 and RemoteController 3, the drone became snagged. It crashed, recovered, and then flew uncontrollably away in a random direction. It was unresponsive or inconsistently responsive to my control inputs, especially throttle down to zero. An immediate emergency landing was not possible. The flight controller appeared to have lost its orientation reference, resulting in a period of uncontrolled flight before stabilizing again and giving full control back to me after nearly 20 seconds. This incident highlights a serious safety concern, and DJI must take immediate action to rectify this issue.
In case this has been addressed with the new 0300 firmware please let us know.
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DJI Diana
Flight distance : 2408 ft


Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

We apologize for the inconvenience. May I know if the drone sustained any damage from the accident? If so, please return the drone to us so that we can proceed with data analysis to determine the cause of the accident. Please click to start an online repair case. We appreciate your patience and kind understanding.
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Flight distance : 5905358 ft
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DJI Diana Posted at 9-30 03:27
Hi there,
thank you for reaching out.

No damage. The Neo is quite robust and the crash was not that hard and at low altitude. After restarting it with a new battery it flies as well as before. Just the after-crash behaviour must be taken care of.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 12536706 ft
United States

GerdS Posted at 9-30 03:29
No damage. The Neo is quite robust and the crash was not that hard and at low altitude. After restarting it with a new battery it flies as well as before. Just the after-crash behaviour must be taken care of.

It's not a firmware issue, it's a hardware issue. I've experienced the same with the original Avata.
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Flight distance : 5905358 ft
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fansf240c01f Posted at 9-30 04:10
It's not a firmware issue, it's a hardware issue. I've experienced the same with the original Avata.

Not reacting to throttle input is for sure a firmware issue.
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Flight distance : 316772 ft

Anche per me stesso problema, uso DJI dal 2018, hanno sempre funzionato benissimo, dopo il Mavic Air ho acquistato il Mini 4 Pro, ultimamente Il neo, l’altra sera lo pilotavo, improvvisamente ha fatto due manovre lente senza il mio comando, ho provato a correggere l’assetto del volo senza avere risposta, ho lasciato i comandi per metterlo in hoovering, improvvisamente i motori sono andati da soli al massimo della potenza, il drone è partito come un fulmine verso l’alto fin sopra il tetto e non l’ho più sentito. L’ho trovato precipitato a terra senza la batteria.
Il drone ha qualche graffio e due elastici della gimbal spezzati.
Durante l’incidente stavo registrando e ho recuperato il video, sono sicuro che non è colpa mia, sono molto dispiaciuto per questo incidente e al momento non ho molta fiducia a usarlo ancora.
Su tanti forum e su YouTube un sacco di persone stanno denunciando la stessa tipologia di problema, credo che sia necessario intervenire.
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Flight distance : 316772 ft

I traslate the last post:

Even for me the same problem, I have been using DJI since 2018, they have always worked very well, after the Mavic Air I bought the Mini 4 Pro, lately The neo, the other night I was flying it, suddenly it did two slow maneuvers without my command, I tried to correct the flight attitude without having a response, I left the controls to put it in hoovering, suddenly the motors went on their own at maximum power, the drone took off like lightning upwards up to the roof and I never heard it again. I found it crashed to the ground without the battery.
The drone has some scratches and two broken gimbal rubber bands.
During the accident I was recording and I recovered the video, I am sure it is not my fault, I am very sorry for this accident and at the moment I do not have much confidence in using it again.
On many forums and on YouTube a lot of people are reporting the same type of problem, I think it is necessary to intervene.
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United States

Today when I stared my DJI Neo and  without any reason flew away and crashed into the wall.
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DJI Gamora

fans2d702ee6 Posted at 10-11 09:17
I traslate the last post:

Even for me the same problem, I have been using DJI since 2018, they have always worked very well, after the Mavic Air I bought the Mini 4 Pro, lately The neo, the other night I was flying it, suddenly it did two slow maneuvers without my command, I tried to correct the flight attitude without having a response, I left the controls to put it in hoovering, suddenly the motors went on their own at maximum power, the drone took off like lightning upwards up to the roof and I never heard it again. I found it crashed to the ground without the battery.

Hi fans2d702ee6, thank you for reaching out and we are sorry to hear about what happened with the drone. Were you able to retrieve the drone, if yes the best course of action would be to submit an online repair request here: {}. If you were unable to retrieve it, Flyaway Tips: What to Do When Drone Flies Away you can follow the steps her and submit "Flyaway Service".

I hope this information has helped to clarify your inquiries. If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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DJI Gamora

fanse4ed8285 Posted at 11-2 21:22
Today when I stared my DJI Neo and  without any reason flew away and crashed into the wall.

Hi fanse4ed8285,

Thank you for reaching out and we are truly sorry to hear about what happened with the drone. In a situation like this, the best course of action would be to submit an online repair request here: {}. If you need assistance with creating a ticket, you may contact DJI support at
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DJI Gamora

GerdS Posted at 9-30 03:29
No damage. The Neo is quite robust and the crash was not that hard and at low altitude. After restarting it with a new battery it flies as well as before. Just the after-crash behaviour must be taken care of.

Hi GerdS.

We do apologize for the trouble that this has caused. Thank you for keeping us posted. We're glad to hear this has been addressed. If you do face any issue in future with your drone after the recent crash the best course of action would be to submit an online repair request here: {}.

Feel free to contact us if you have other inquiries. Have a nice day ahead!
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