Flight distance : 205528 ft
South Africa
Hi everyone,
Is there a way, during active tracking (or POI) when tracking a vehicle, that I can:
- Determine the distance between the controller and the drone? I can't seem to move the active track menu at the bottom of the screen. I’ve tried accessing the settings, but from what I understand, I can only adjust parameters for human tracking.
- Move the object (vehicle) sideways? I can adjust the gimbal to move up or down, but I'm having trouble with lateral movement.
Additionally, I’d like to know what happens if I activate Return-to-Home (RTH) when the drone is under obstacles, like trees, car port. I’ve read the manual sections on the different RTH modes, but I want to be certain before testing, as I don’t want to risk a crash. With obstacle avoidance enabled, will the drone try to navigate out of the obstacle area before finding a clear path? Or will it simply ascend to its RTH height and risk crashing into the trees/roof?
Thanks in advance for your help!