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DJI Neo low light issue
3176 16 2024-10-3
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Flight distance : 46486 ft

I got a low light issue.

With the goggles I‘am not able to disengage the sensors.

When you got low light the drone accelerates full, and only a crash or good light for the sensor stops the behavior.

My solution was the limit the speed of the sport mode, to have more time to react.

You only see back to normal in the video, maybe it goes to manuel mode?

It will be nice to correct this behavior in new firmeware. Maybe the option to turn off the sensors.
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Similar experience with my initial indoor test flight using FPV RC3 in N mode.  Flew up an open stairway to the loft.  Deep shadow at the top of the steps.  Directly in front was a very dark colored down quilt draped over the sofa.  Image in the Goggle3 went very underexposed and grainy.  The Neo seem to have accelerated directly into the quilt.  Was able to recover control when ascending into the light.  

Today we have heavy cloud cover.  Probably too dark to fly indoors.  May give it a go outdoors under the very dark grey cloudy sky if the wind drops a bit.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 1378789 ft
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It doesn't go into manual mode (can't with RC Motion 3), but the vision positioning system gets confused and does this a lot, yeah. It would be better if DJI just completely disabled VPS and made N/S modes only rely on accelerometer and gyro data when there's no satellites. A $10 toy drone from aliexpress does better indoor than Neo, absurd.
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Flight distance : 46486 ft

My Mini 4 Pro flies indoors perfect. Everytime you get in a dark area the light at the bottom comes on and this works like a charm.

Maybe a light at the bottom helps Neo to avoid this issue.
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Not sure how much the added mass of even a small LED light and power draw would effect the flight time of the Neo. Considering how light the pop off prop guards are and they on paper reduce flight time from 18 to 17 minutes. Guessing power draw and wt of a light would be an issue.  IIRC, the Neo battery is a 2s, ~1400mAh,  ~10 watt unit.  Just need to be aware of your light environment and limits of the Neo.

Indoors flying I use various household items as slalom gates.  Discovered flying under the dining room table too slow in N mode the Neo will go into auto landing.  Didn't require much additional speed to skim above the surface.

New batteries, 11C, gusty winds.  Flew outdoors down to +30% battery capacity. +10 minutes in S mode using the FPV RC3.  One attempt to get above the tree line. Bad idea. Hovering the Goggle3 image was a bit shaky due to the wind. Could hear the motors working hard.  Checked most the autonoums modes.  The ones tried all seem to work as designed. Cool feature, but personally something not needed. Just into immersive fpv.
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DJI Gamora

Hi madmarc2000,

Thank you for reaching out. Due to its features, DJI Neo is better suited for daily vlogging from an aerial perspective, such as everyday life or family time. It is also relies heavily on its vision positioning system for stable flight, especially in environments with no or weak GPS signals. Vision positioning is highly dependent on ambient light and ground textures. In low-light conditions or areas with plain and uniform ground textures, the drone may not be able to hover stably. Therefore, we recommend that you shoot using DJI Neo in environments with ample light and distinct ground patterns.

Thank You for your feedback, we will forward this information to the relevant team for evaluation.
If you have any other questions, kindly let us know. Thank You!
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

From what I understand the downward sensors are visual and infrared?  Does the flight stabilization system take any input from the camera sensor?  

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firehouse tech
Flight distance : 4314 ft
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United States

We use a lighting kit from Firehouse Technology for low light interior flights and works well.
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Flight distance : ****

edit: sorry - i just now notice that this is an old thread, maybe only my drone has a problem even after the update?!

original entry:

@DJI Gamora Hello
Sorry, but this answer doesn't help anyone. You write yourself that the drone cannot hold its position in poor lighting conditions - but thats not the problem, as it should be possible to correct this manually.
The errors in various threads show that the Neo may no longer be able to be controlled in poor lighting conditions and/or poor GPS signal - a correction e.g. due to poor lighting conditions is not possible.
The restriction “I am a vlog drone” from you is also not very helpful. Statements from DJI say otherwise!

As soon as I have time again (days/weeks), I will try to record the problem on video.

Statement from me in another thread recently:
I also noticed about 1-2 months ago that when I fly indoors (not tested outdoors recently), the Neo with RC-N3 controller suddenly stops responding to inputs and flies straight into the next obstacle. Control inputs are not accepted. I installed the latest update today and hoped that the problem would finally be solved, but no, the first flight with the RC-N3 controller went badly again. My Neo has now crashed into an obstacle for the 4th time and it's not my own fault. It's about time DJI took proper care of the problem! No more excuses!
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Known issue since release.  Apparently no firmware fix.  Limitations of hardware?. If so, no fix until the next gen Neo.  Guessing the downward IR sensor quality.  Cover them up with some black tape.  Autonomous crash mode even with adequate satellites locked flying under brightly lighted conditions outdoors based on the few YTube videos demonstrating the issue.
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This is an obvious flaw and I am also experiencing this with latest firmware.

It should not accelerate like mad when entering the darker space. Drifting would be acceptable but this is crazy.

Why the Neo is not even controllable when this occurs? Emergency stop does not work too, only hitting an obstacle ends this crazy flight.

It is well documented on these videos:
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Flight distance : 632428 ft
United States

Flew a late afternoon session under heavy overcast sky.  Snow-covered ground. just zipping up and down the driveway (1/2km round trip) and around the parking area with a few loops around the house. Driveway has a solid, but leafless canopy of trees overhead. All was fine. But the Neo did it's normal drop satellites from max of 20 down to zilch.  First time experienced a red warning box pop up on the OSD. Loss of satellite and visual sensor issue.  Never have seen the box when flying with 0 satellites indoors in a well lighted room.   No loss of control flying S mode using the FPV RC3.  Just a moment of anxiety. Worried that the Neo would have gone into autonomous crash mode like it has couple times indoors. Would be very difficult to find in the snow-covered woods after bouncing off a tree or two.  

Lesson learned even on what I thought was a well enough lighted day.  Thinking limiting sessions to winter sunny days only.

Did learn something else.   Flying way too slow and low the auto landing engaged.  Didn't want to land in the wet snow.  Just hit the throttle stick hard and the Neo disengaged the auto landing mode.
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United States

I completely agree; this is extremely dangerous. As soon as the drone enters low light conditions or encounters an obstacle, it rapidly accelerates and veers into a ramming direction.
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United States

This is an obvious flaw. Please fix it by allowing the pilot to put it in ATTI mode through one of the switches (only gyro, no vision, no GPS)
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Flight distance : 901965 ft
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United States

I am experiencing the same thing flying indoors with a new Neo, Motion Controller and N3 Goggles.
1-8 10:25
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Flight distance : 15633 ft

djiuser_En7c1JN4hW2l Posted at 2024-12-15 12:41
This is an obvious flaw and I am also experiencing this with latest firmware.

It should not accelerate like mad when entering the darker space. Drifting would be acceptable but this is crazy.

I dont want to be a bootlicker, but this is just stupid.
You bought a drone that is outdoor only, and bright light only. I tried to use it once during evening to see what would happen, against the recommendations of DJI, and it flow directly to the sand. The DJI Fly app said it will, and it did.
Using it indoor and in the dark is like complaining that your car cannot swim just because there is air in the tyres, or how you cannot reverse with a bicycle. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Why would you even want to do it I cannot fathom.
1-8 12:17
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