The neighbours rent the pasture land in the valley I grew up on. In the fall they drive their cattle to a closer pasture at their home that is connected to the corral system. It was a 'windless' day in Saskatchewan, which is rare and I used my Mini 4 Pro, Action 3 and my Avata 2 & put this together for them. It is about 6 miles or so that they have to move them. Lots of the herd have made the trek before, so it goes pretty good.
DowntownRDB Posted at 10-6 08:00
Impressive footage of this cattle drive. I haven't bee on one in over 20 years but this video brought back lots of fun memories.
Thanks. This was only about 6 miles or so to move them, and in Saskatchewan it is rare to get a day that is not windy to fly. That Saturday was probably the only calm day we had in a week and since then it has been too windy to fly also, except early mornings sometimes.
We appreciate you for sharing your experience and the remarkable footage with our DJI Forum community. Your contribution is highly valued and appreciated. Safe flight always!
Tender Posted at 10-6 19:02
Thanks. This was only about 6 miles or so to move them, and in Saskatchewan it is rare to get a day that is not windy to fly. That Saturday was probably the only calm day we had in a week and since then it has been too windy to fly also, except early mornings sometimes.
You're most welcome. Glad the weather was good enough for you to obtain the footage for this video. I hope your week is off to a great start.
I would have like a couple of scenes a bit longer, but then it wouldn't match the song length. It's tough to decide what to cut out sometimes. I had over 50 minutes of video. Some was just flying back to home point though.
Thank you. I like doing different stuff and it is tough to come up with new ideas. They said they were moving the cattle home, it's only about 6 miles and it was the perfect day. Usually windy here.