ギク | Giku
Flight distance : 2044898 ft
DJI Tony Posted at 10-21 03:23
Hi there. If accessories such as the propeller guard are mounted to the aircraft, it is recommended to enable Payload mode for enhanced safety. After takeoff, Payload mode is enabled automatically if a payload is detected. The flight performance will be reduced accordingly when flying with any payload. Note that the max service ceiling above sea level is 1,500 m and the max flight speed and flight range are limited when Payload mode is enabled.
For details, you can view the Mini 3 user manual: https://dl.djicdn .com/downloads/DJI_Mini_3/UM/2024/DJI_Mini_3_User_Manual_v1.2_EN.pdf
Thanks for the reply, dji Tony. I also wants to know that is it safe or even possible to takeoff with action 5 pro straped to it? |