Second Officer
Flight distance : 31263717 ft
United Kingdom
fallenangel3k Posted at 10-27 22:59
since is one axis gimbal only, it can only compensate a given amount of tilt. anything more (by higher speed and/or lateral sideway movement and/or steady wind from the side in respect to your flightdirection gives you a banked/tilted horizon the more the drone must tilt to try to keep the camera on spot. look from close or a second drone flying behind it, you will immediately see why it happens and "THAT IS NORMAL" (in this cases, your case seem to fall into this conditions). sorry my english is not the best and i need to describe around the actual words what i mean.
No it does not and this is because 1st it was a day with almost 0 wind, and 2nd when it was stationery the horizon was perfectly straight. |