Flight distance : 154203 ft
Today was the 4th time I tried to take/create a Sphere Panorama but ended up with with only the independent images on the card.
On this particular ocasion, I had just received the low battery warning, but since the drone was 1.5 metters above the ground and 3 meters in front of me I canceled the return to home warning (first warning), I then took/started the panorama and landed the drone afterwards (on previous ocasions I did not get a low battery warning, kept flying for a couple of minutes and took aditional pictures before landing).
I'm guessing this time the drone was not able to stitch/merge all the images before it shut down (low battery), so I ended up with an html file and a panorama folder with the image number (DJI_...._0142_D.html and 001_0142)...
My question is:
Is there a way to create the sphere panorama with the DJI Fly app, remote (RC 2) or another app/program that does not require a purchase/license (free/online)?