Flight distance : 28540 ft
United States
Hallmark007 Posted at 11-1 12:18
Which camera are you talking about ? I think 70mm might be slightly sharper than main camera. But if you shoot ISO 100 in good light with correct SS you won’t see too much noise so adobe PS AI noise reduction should work but some prefer the new Topaz which is exceptional. It’s not that difficult to reduce photo sharpening with software a lot different with video which is best before recording. Adobe does not as of now have Air3s lens profile installed , that’s usually down to adobe so auto corrections may not be correct as it seems to use Air3 corrections.
Just for jollies... slapped on the wide angle adapter and while it is raining outside, took an interior photo of my house. Wanted to see if the barrel distortion was correctable in Photoshop. It appears it IS! I have a few lenses in my bag that have 'mustache' distortion that is pretty much impossible to correct because it is barrel distortion in the middle but then a bit of pin cushioning at the edges.
Using Camera Raw to do it is not sufficient and I do not like the way it handles this distortion when it is extreme. Instead, I used the Photoshop Filter for lens correction. Apply the barrel correction at 100%... then apply it again around 15-20%.
The photo actually straightens up fairly well. And keep in mind, I have photographed nothing but architecture for more than 40 years. The wide angle adapter, as expected, is not as sharp as the base lens, but it IS quite usable if you are careful.
Oh... to answer your question. The sharpening appears to be about the same between the '24' and '70'. It is not an issue of the lens. Come to think of it, my old Phantom 4 Pro made Raw files that were definitely manipulated to remove barrel distortion so I would bet half the farm that there is a lot of software involved with what Camera Raw sees. Once I recall using some other app to open the P4 Pro raw images and they were very barrel distorted and vignetted.
Bottom line. As a pragmatist and someone who has flown close to 2000 hours in a helicopter taking photos - this little sucker is fantastic.