United States
1 sticks out from the body the actual ring
2. lens flare concern, no sample video at all or is there
3 can it be left on the camera and FOV boost lens off and capture standard FOV UW, W, and SD (standard dewarp)
4 how is it gonna react to EIS
5 no outer rubber ring protector
6 and is it a strong glass, one drop Kiss it good bye with a scratch to a chip,
7 removal of each time, chances of finger prints to dust, and last but least
8 is it o-ringed for waterproof, and hope we do not forget to tighten down each time
9. will a ND filter ring be optional, as curvature does not allow a user to use multiple lenses, not a DSLR
1o thank you DJI for making it and yes the OSmo 360 will use a totally larger FOV lens and not that if aske