Flight distance : 772720 ft
Hi there! I am in need of administrative help.
i was provided with a link to the Grand central access controller hub and believe i have ascertained the correct information needed through a means of some detective work:
- AD account login Number.
- Chain code
However, i've run into trouble with my credentials despite appearing to have the correct authentication practices in place.
Im thusfar unsuccessful in signing in and i've sent a PM do one of the administrators but there seems to be a security policy error blocking the loading of a resource on my personal homepage M on this site. As such, It doesnt appear to be visible and i cant see if i've recieved a reply. It does appear to have been sent correctly and is viewable from the administrator's account but alas no success.
I've not gotten advisory directive on managing security policies on this site and its as of this moment beyond my scope as an AD account holder. I've got no interest in mucking up dji's security policies on accident.
Im requesting aid from an administrator with meeting best security practices and signing in to the GAC hub.
As PM's do not appear to be working correctly, Please reply to this thread and i can PM you my email address or phone number for help with the GCAC/GAC hub.
Kessia Mckechnie |